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Prognostic Factors Following Curative Resection for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma

Prognostic Factors Following Curative Resection for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma LETTERS TO THE EDITOR bile duct and peri-ampullary cancer is Prognostic Factors Are Actual Standard much better. Thus, conclusions about Following Curative Fluid Regimens in prognostic factors cannot be made from this study. Resection for Major Surgery Safe? One of the most significant find- Pancreatic ings was the adjuvant combined chemo- To the Editor: radiotherapy as a prognostic factor. This Adenocarcinoma The paper by Brandstrup et al is is in contradiction with the evidence that the first clinical trial to convincingly exists in the literature. We live in the era To the Editor: show that standard fluid replacement of evidence-based medicine. Evidence The conclusion of this study is methods in colorectal surgery are asso- should nowadays be based upon level I drawn from a population-based analysis ciated with increased morbidity and or level II studies and there are only 2 of 396 patients. The inclusion was based mortality. Long ago, fluid and saline large prospective randomized studies upon the code for operation radical pan- solutions were carefully administered that can be taken into account, which are creaticoduodenectomy or Whipple pro- during the antidiuretic perioperative the studies of Klinkenbijl et al (Ann cedure, which also included total pan- phase of Annals of Surgery Wolters Kluwer Health

Prognostic Factors Following Curative Resection for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma

Annals of Surgery , Volume 240 (2) – Aug 1, 2004

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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR bile duct and peri-ampullary cancer is Prognostic Factors Are Actual Standard much better. Thus, conclusions about Following Curative Fluid Regimens in prognostic factors cannot be made from this study. Resection for Major Surgery Safe? One of the most significant find- Pancreatic ings was the adjuvant combined chemo- To the Editor: radiotherapy as a prognostic factor. This Adenocarcinoma The paper by Brandstrup et al is is in contradiction with the evidence that the first clinical trial to convincingly exists in the literature. We live in the era To the Editor: show that standard fluid replacement of evidence-based medicine. Evidence The conclusion of this study is methods in colorectal surgery are asso- should nowadays be based upon level I drawn from a population-based analysis ciated with increased morbidity and or level II studies and there are only 2 of 396 patients. The inclusion was based mortality. Long ago, fluid and saline large prospective randomized studies upon the code for operation radical pan- solutions were carefully administered that can be taken into account, which are creaticoduodenectomy or Whipple pro- during the antidiuretic perioperative the studies of Klinkenbijl et al (Ann cedure, which also included total pan- phase of


Annals of SurgeryWolters Kluwer Health

Published: Aug 1, 2004

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