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Endoscopic Removal of Large Colorectal Polyps Prevention of Unnecessary Surgery?

Endoscopic Removal of Large Colorectal Polyps Prevention of Unnecessary Surgery? Endoscopic Removal of Large Colorectal Polyps Prevention of Unnecessary Surgery? J. Marek Doniec, M.D., Mathias S. Lo ¨ hnert, M.D., Bodo Schniewind, M.D., Frank Bokelmann, M.D., Bernd Kremer, M.D., Horst Grimm, M.D. From the Department of General and Thoracic Surgery, University Hospital, Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany PURPOSE: Because of the potential risk of malignancy and reported, surgical removal is still generally regarded technical difficulties in achieving complete removal, large as preferable in these cases. The removal of large colorectal polyps represent a special problem for the en- polyps is thought to be associated with a very high doscopist. The aim of this study was to evaluate the capa- bilities and risks of endoscopy in complete removal of large risk of bleeding, perforation, and incomplete exci- colorectal polyps. METHODS: Endoscopic polypectomy of sion. Previous reports in the literature have described 186 colorectal polyps larger than 3 cm in diameter (range, the risk of malignancy in large polyps as being higher 3–13 cm) was performed; 141 were sessile and 45 pedun- than 40 percent, and endoscopic therapy has been culated. Most of the polyps were located in the rectum (n 88), sigmoid (n  63), and cecum (n  9). Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Wolters Kluwer Health

Endoscopic Removal of Large Colorectal Polyps Prevention of Unnecessary Surgery?

Diseases of the Colon & Rectum , Volume 46 (3) – Mar 1, 2003

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Endoscopic Removal of Large Colorectal Polyps Prevention of Unnecessary Surgery? J. Marek Doniec, M.D., Mathias S. Lo ¨ hnert, M.D., Bodo Schniewind, M.D., Frank Bokelmann, M.D., Bernd Kremer, M.D., Horst Grimm, M.D. From the Department of General and Thoracic Surgery, University Hospital, Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany PURPOSE: Because of the potential risk of malignancy and reported, surgical removal is still generally regarded technical difficulties in achieving complete removal, large as preferable in these cases. The removal of large colorectal polyps represent a special problem for the en- polyps is thought to be associated with a very high doscopist. The aim of this study was to evaluate the capa- bilities and risks of endoscopy in complete removal of large risk of bleeding, perforation, and incomplete exci- colorectal polyps. METHODS: Endoscopic polypectomy of sion. Previous reports in the literature have described 186 colorectal polyps larger than 3 cm in diameter (range, the risk of malignancy in large polyps as being higher 3–13 cm) was performed; 141 were sessile and 45 pedun- than 40 percent, and endoscopic therapy has been culated. Most of the polyps were located in the rectum (n 88), sigmoid (n  63), and cecum (n  9).


Diseases of the Colon & RectumWolters Kluwer Health

Published: Mar 1, 2003

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