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Ultrasound‐guided reduction of an incarcerated obturator hernia in an elderly patient

Ultrasound‐guided reduction of an incarcerated obturator hernia in an elderly patient Obturator hernia is a rare but clinically relevant cause of intestinal obstruction, usually found in elderly, thin, multiparous women. It is difficult to diagnose, leading to diagnostic delay with a high incidence of strangulation and a high mortality rate. Surgery is the only reported treatment. We report the case of an 86‐year‐old woman, in whom an early diagnosis of incarcerated obturator hernia was made with subsequent reduction by compression with an ultrasound transducer. When the risk of strangulation is presumed to be low, ultrasound‐guided reduction of an obturator hernia is achievable and worth considering. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound Wiley

Ultrasound‐guided reduction of an incarcerated obturator hernia in an elderly patient

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Obturator hernia is a rare but clinically relevant cause of intestinal obstruction, usually found in elderly, thin, multiparous women. It is difficult to diagnose, leading to diagnostic delay with a high incidence of strangulation and a high mortality rate. Surgery is the only reported treatment. We report the case of an 86‐year‐old woman, in whom an early diagnosis of incarcerated obturator hernia was made with subsequent reduction by compression with an ultrasound transducer. When the risk of strangulation is presumed to be low, ultrasound‐guided reduction of an obturator hernia is achievable and worth considering.


Journal of Clinical UltrasoundWiley

Published: Jan 1, 2018

Keywords: ; ; ; ;

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