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University of Illinois Freedman (1962) has noted that, although âwe probably know more about the fertility and family planning of the American population than about that of any other country in the world . . . our large-scale field surveys have been much more successful in measuring and describing variations in fertility and family planning than in finding the causes of these variations.â Indeed, although there have been several attempts to find social-psychological and other strictly psychological factors that could explain variations in fertility and family planning (e.g., Kiser & Whelpton, 1958; Westoff, Potter, Sagi, & Mishler, 1961, 1963; Westoff & Potvin, 1967), there seems to be general agreement that these attempts have been far from successful. This failure to explain variations in fertility and family planning in the United States (and in particular the failure to find psychological or social-psychological correlates of these variations) is particularly discouraging since it is in t h s country that these kinds of variables should have their greatest influence. There seems to be considerable evidence that contraception is used almost universally be fecund couples in the United States (cf., Freedman, 1962; Westoff etal., 196 1). Although most people do know about
Journal of Applied Social Psychology – Wiley
Published: Sep 1, 1972
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