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'evcrhas the subject ofl a p been of greater inttrest to man;rgtn, o to r management writers. Richard Donkins, writing in the Finamkt Times, describes"a fixation bordering on obsession [with] the qualities needed for corporate leadership." It is, he adds, a "contagious" obsession, qmading in scope and intensity throughout our society, and sugpting that Americans have lost their way. If it is an obsession, it is a urefirl one for any organization concerned about the fhm+but I understand the source ofthe hutration Donkins and others +lay. For all the ink the subject gets in scholarly, business, and popular journals,leadership remains an elusive concept. However, whether o not le?detshp is well understood, its impact on the bottom line r is dramatic, according to a s t u d y by Anderscn Consulting's Institute for Strategic Change: the stock price of companies perceived as being well led grew 900 percent over a 10-year period, compared to just 74 pezcent growth in companies perceived t lack good leachhip. And ForkuK, in its 1998 roundup ofAmerica's most admixed o companies, identifies the common denominator of exemplary orpizations."The truth is that no one tictor makes a company admirablc."wmtc Thomas Stewut,"but if you wczc
Leader to Leader – Wiley
Published: Mar 1, 1999
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