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Zvi EVEN-PAZ, M.B., C H . B . , A N D JASHOVAM S H A N I , P H . D . n ancient times the Dead Sea area aroused a surprising degree of interest.^ - Aristotle (384-322 BC) ^ was the first to inform the wider world of this stretch of peculiar water, reporting it was so bitter and salty that no fish lived in it nor could a bound man or beast sink." The bituminous material known as "Judean Asphalt," which periodically rose to the lake's surface, was used in embalming, waterproofing, building, agriculture, as fuel, and for medicinal purposes.^"" Flavius Josephus (37-C.100) wrote: "it is useful . . . for the cure of men's bodies: accordingly it is mixed in a great many medicines."^ Galen (122-C.200) extolled it thus: "the most beautiful asphalt is produced in the Sea called 'Dead' . . . the potency of this medicine consists in its drying and next its healing capabilities: it is indeed appropriate that people use it for closing bleeding wounds."^^ The pharmacologic work by Scribonus Largus (first century) mentions "Jewish bitumen" as helpful in mending broken bones and as an ingredient of two black
International Journal of Dermatology – Wiley
Published: Jan 1, 1989
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