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November Vol VIII The British Journal of Statistical Psychology Part I1 TEST RELIABILITY ESTIMATED BY ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE' BY CYRIL BURT Hisiorical Nore. The idea of determining the ' precision ' of an estimated quantity from a series of repeated measurements is due originally to Gauss (Theoria Combinationis Observationurn, 1809). It was introduced into psychology by Fechner who proposed a Prazisionrmss irn Gaussschen Sinne, viz., h = l/a42 (Elemenre der Psychophysik, 1859, pp. 103 f.). Clarke Wissler was apparently the first to suggest that ' the precision of a test may be estimated by correlating successive trials ' (Psycho/. Mon., 111, 1901, p- 60). The correlation so obtained has generally been known as a ' reliability co- efficien: '2 : it seeks to answer the question-' if this test were repeated, how far would the results agree? The traditional way of raising the question woulc! have been to ask : ' if this test wer! The suggestion that the ' reliability repeated, how much variation would there be in the results? of tests and examination marks might be more effectively studied by analysing the variation-with the aid either of factor analysis or of what Fisher has termed the analysis
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology – Wiley
Published: Nov 1, 1955
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