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Drosophila suzukii is a major pest of soft‐skinned fruits, and insecticides are often used to prevent fruit damage caused by oviposition. As D. suzukii produces many generations per year, repeated insecticide applications are required. Furthermore, D. suzukii attacks ripening and ripe fruits shortly before harvest. Therefore, the use of synthetic insecticides is limited by long pre‐harvest intervals and maximum residue limits. To be able to offer producers immediate and sustainable solutions, we tested 25 natural crop protection products with three different application methods in a laboratory screening. We show that application method is an important factor for the efficacy of the tested products. Of six natural insecticides, only Spinosad was toxic for D. suzukii and reduced the oviposition on treated blueberries. The tested oil products had no control effect and products based on different entomopathogenic fungi and Bacillus thuringiensis rather enhanced oviposition. Mineral products (Kaolin, CaCO3, Ca(OH)2 and clinoptilolith) applied as spray solutions were not toxic, but significantly reduced oviposition on blueberries. We provide the first study in which different application methods have been used to compare numerous, commercially available, natural crop protection products with different modes of action against adult D. suzukii. Our findings provide consultants and producers with important insights for the development of sustainable pest control strategies against D. suzukii.
Journal of Applied Entomology – Wiley
Published: Jan 1, 2018
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