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Introduction from the new Editor‐In‐Chief

Introduction from the new Editor‐In‐Chief Looking back, looking forward My appointment as the new Editor‐in‐Chief of Journal of Advanced Nursing was announced in the journal last September. In this issue, other new appointments are announced and an outline is provided of the roles of the restructured and expanded Editorial Management Team. The outgoing Editor‐in‐Chief, Professor Jane Robinson, drew attention in her final JAN column to some of the changes introduced over the past 5 years under her leadership. Her account was both too brief and overly modest. As a reader I had not been fully aware of all of the changes made over that period, all designed to further improve the quality of JAN and the efficiency of its editorial and production processes. We thank Jane Robinson for all of her achievements, and wish her well in her retirement from JAN . For me, it as a great privilege to be taking over as Editor‐in‐Chief of JAN . I had decided last year, after 25 years on the staff at University of Edinburgh, that it was time for me to have a change of scene and take on some new challenges. The ideal opportunity presented itself when I was invited to extend my Journal of Advanced Nursing Wiley

Introduction from the new Editor‐In‐Chief

Journal of Advanced Nursing , Volume 41 (1) – Jan 1, 2003

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Looking back, looking forward My appointment as the new Editor‐in‐Chief of Journal of Advanced Nursing was announced in the journal last September. In this issue, other new appointments are announced and an outline is provided of the roles of the restructured and expanded Editorial Management Team. The outgoing Editor‐in‐Chief, Professor Jane Robinson, drew attention in her final JAN column to some of the changes introduced over the past 5 years under her leadership. Her account was both too brief and overly modest. As a reader I had not been fully aware of all of the changes made over that period, all designed to further improve the quality of JAN and the efficiency of its editorial and production processes. We thank Jane Robinson for all of her achievements, and wish her well in her retirement from JAN . For me, it as a great privilege to be taking over as Editor‐in‐Chief of JAN . I had decided last year, after 25 years on the staff at University of Edinburgh, that it was time for me to have a change of scene and take on some new challenges. The ideal opportunity presented itself when I was invited to extend my


Journal of Advanced NursingWiley

Published: Jan 1, 2003

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