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How advertising works
Research on the optimal use of technical terms in advertising can help sponsors effectively communicate complex technical concepts to consumers. This study therefore examined how technical terms, and the extent to which they are explained, influence advertising effectiveness for four product types in the FCB grid. The sample comprised 436 college students. The analytical results of this study indicate that using two technical terms together with detailed explanation of the terms improves consumer attitudes towards the ad and consumer evaluation of the advertised product for thinking (products meeting consumer utilitarian needs) and high involvement products. For thinking and low involvement products, using two technical terms together with detailed/rough explanation improves consumer attitudes towards the ad and consumer evaluation of the advertised product. Moreover, using two unexplained technical terms improves consumer attitudes towards the ad for feeling (those providing consumer gratification, social acceptance and sensory satisfaction) and high involvement products. Using no technical terms improves consumer attitudes towards the ad for feeling and low involvement products. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications and future research directions are discussed.
British Journal of Management – Wiley
Published: Dec 1, 2010
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