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Discontinuous Dissolution of Iron Aluminate Spinel in the Al2O3–Fe2O3 System

Discontinuous Dissolution of Iron Aluminate Spinel in the Al2O3–Fe2O3 System When sintered 85Al2O3–15Fe2O3 (in wt%) specimens consisting of corundum grains and spinel particles were annealed at temperature where only a corundum phase was stable, phase transformation of spinel into metastable FeAIO3 and subsequently complete dissolution of the metastable phase occurred together with the migration of grain boundaries at the surface of the specimens. Since the grain boundary migration was induced by grain boundary diffusion of Fe2O3 from the transforming and dissolving particles, the boundary migration by temperature decrease corresponds to a discontinuous dissolution of the spinel particles and a chemically induced grain boundary migration by temperature change. Inside the specimens, however, the transformation—dissolution and the grain boundary migration were suppressed because of unavailable accommodation of the volume expansion due to the transformation. Journal of the American Ceramic Society Wiley

Discontinuous Dissolution of Iron Aluminate Spinel in the Al2O3–Fe2O3 System

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Copyright © 1995 Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company
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When sintered 85Al2O3–15Fe2O3 (in wt%) specimens consisting of corundum grains and spinel particles were annealed at temperature where only a corundum phase was stable, phase transformation of spinel into metastable FeAIO3 and subsequently complete dissolution of the metastable phase occurred together with the migration of grain boundaries at the surface of the specimens. Since the grain boundary migration was induced by grain boundary diffusion of Fe2O3 from the transforming and dissolving particles, the boundary migration by temperature decrease corresponds to a discontinuous dissolution of the spinel particles and a chemically induced grain boundary migration by temperature change. Inside the specimens, however, the transformation—dissolution and the grain boundary migration were suppressed because of unavailable accommodation of the volume expansion due to the transformation.


Journal of the American Ceramic SocietyWiley

Published: Aug 1, 1995

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