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DAVID I. BUSHNELL, JR MR. D.AVID UUSHNELL, I. JR. SWANTON] DAVID I . BUSHNELL, JR. Bureau of American Ethnology. In 1911 he began work upon a Handbook of North American Antiquities East of the Rocky Mountains and he was employed in assembling material for this in an extensive card catalogue until 1920. This was never published but the material brought together was utilized in the preparation of four bulletins on village sites and burial customs of the Indians east and west of the Mississippi River which have been widely circulated and are often quoted. In 1914 he visited Wilmington, N. C. and made archeological investigations alongthe Cape Fear River. In 1917-18 he collected notes from some of the Indians living southwest of New Orleans, and in October, 1921, he visted Scott Field east of Belleville, Ill., to obtain airplane pictures of the Cahokia mounds. These pictures were taken by Lieuts. Harold R. Wells and Ashley C. McKinley under detail by Maj. Frank M. Kennedy, the commanding officer of the field, and some of these were reproduced in Explorations and Field-work o j the Smithsonian Institution for that year. In 1925 Bushnell spent some time investigating shell and sand mounds on Pinellas Peninsula, American Anthropologist Wiley


American Anthropologist , Volume 44 (1) – Jan 3, 1942

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1942 American Anthropological Association
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MR. D.AVID UUSHNELL, I. JR. SWANTON] DAVID I . BUSHNELL, JR. Bureau of American Ethnology. In 1911 he began work upon a Handbook of North American Antiquities East of the Rocky Mountains and he was employed in assembling material for this in an extensive card catalogue until 1920. This was never published but the material brought together was utilized in the preparation of four bulletins on village sites and burial customs of the Indians east and west of the Mississippi River which have been widely circulated and are often quoted. In 1914 he visited Wilmington, N. C. and made archeological investigations alongthe Cape Fear River. In 1917-18 he collected notes from some of the Indians living southwest of New Orleans, and in October, 1921, he visted Scott Field east of Belleville, Ill., to obtain airplane pictures of the Cahokia mounds. These pictures were taken by Lieuts. Harold R. Wells and Ashley C. McKinley under detail by Maj. Frank M. Kennedy, the commanding officer of the field, and some of these were reproduced in Explorations and Field-work o j the Smithsonian Institution for that year. In 1925 Bushnell spent some time investigating shell and sand mounds on Pinellas Peninsula,


American AnthropologistWiley

Published: Jan 3, 1942

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