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Complex hill's equation and the complex periodic korteweg‐de vries equations

Complex hill's equation and the complex periodic korteweg‐de vries equations Introduction In this paper, we continue the discussion of several authors of the spectral class of differential operators L = d2/dx2 q, with a potential q of period one, the spectral class being defined by a common periodic and antiperiodic spectrum. When the potential is real, the operator is selfadjoint and the periodic and antiperiodic eigenvalues form an increasing sequence furthermore, the multiplicity of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues is equal. When 2 g 1 < 00 eigenvalues are simple, the spectral class has g real dimensions. This case was treated by McKean and Moerbeke [29], Novikov [37], Lax [23] and [24], Dubrovin, Matveev and Novikov [ll], and others. An infinite simple spectrum gives rise to an infinite real-dimensional spectral class and was treated by McKean and Trubowitz [31]. In the following, we treat complex potentials and non-selfadjoint operators. For such operators one must distinguish between two types of spectral multiplicities. The geometric multiplicity is the number of eigenfunctions and is either one or two. The spectrum is determined by the equation A*(A) - 1 = 0, A being half the trace of the monodromy matrix of the first-order system associated with L . The algebraic multiplicity is the order Communications on Pure & Applied Mathematics Wiley

Complex hill's equation and the complex periodic korteweg‐de vries equations

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Copyright © 1986 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company
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Introduction In this paper, we continue the discussion of several authors of the spectral class of differential operators L = d2/dx2 q, with a potential q of period one, the spectral class being defined by a common periodic and antiperiodic spectrum. When the potential is real, the operator is selfadjoint and the periodic and antiperiodic eigenvalues form an increasing sequence furthermore, the multiplicity of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues is equal. When 2 g 1 < 00 eigenvalues are simple, the spectral class has g real dimensions. This case was treated by McKean and Moerbeke [29], Novikov [37], Lax [23] and [24], Dubrovin, Matveev and Novikov [ll], and others. An infinite simple spectrum gives rise to an infinite real-dimensional spectral class and was treated by McKean and Trubowitz [31]. In the following, we treat complex potentials and non-selfadjoint operators. For such operators one must distinguish between two types of spectral multiplicities. The geometric multiplicity is the number of eigenfunctions and is either one or two. The spectrum is determined by the equation A*(A) - 1 = 0, A being half the trace of the monodromy matrix of the first-order system associated with L . The algebraic multiplicity is the order


Communications on Pure & Applied MathematicsWiley

Published: Jan 1, 1986

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