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Assessing risk indicators for dental caries in the primary dentition

Assessing risk indicators for dental caries in the primary dentition Abstract – The aim of the present study was to assess indicators shown to be associated with the prevalence of caries in the primary dentition of 7‐year‐old Flemish schoolchildren. Cross‐sectional first year data of the longitudinal Signal‐Tandmobiel® survey were analysed (n=4468). Gender, age, oral hygiene habits, use of fluorides, dietary habits, geographical factors and parental modelling were the considered predictors. From the multiple logistic regression analysis, including schools as a random effect, and after adjusting for the confounding variables–educational system and province (stratification variables), gender and age–it became clear that the following risk indicators remained significant (at 5% level) for the presence of caries: frequency of toothbrushing (P=0.05) with an OR 1.24 for brushing less than once a day, age at start of brushing (P<0.001) with an OR=1.22 for a delay of 1 year, regular use of fluoride supplements (P<0.001) with an OR=1.54 for no use, daily use of sugar‐containing drinks between meals (P<0.001) with an OR=1.38, and number of between‐meals snacks (P=0.012) with an OR=1.22 for using more than 2 between‐meal snacks. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) in caries experience determined by the geographical spread, with an explicit trend of caries declining from the east to the west. In a model with an ordinal response outcome, the daily use of sugar‐containing drinks between meals had a more pronounced effect when caries levels were high. From this study it became obvious that, in Flemish children, an early start of brushing and a brushing frequency of at least once a day need to be encouraged, while the use of sugar‐containing drinks and snacks between meals needs to be restricted to a maximum of 2 per day. Geographical differences need to be investigated in more detail. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology Wiley

Assessing risk indicators for dental caries in the primary dentition

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Abstract – The aim of the present study was to assess indicators shown to be associated with the prevalence of caries in the primary dentition of 7‐year‐old Flemish schoolchildren. Cross‐sectional first year data of the longitudinal Signal‐Tandmobiel® survey were analysed (n=4468). Gender, age, oral hygiene habits, use of fluorides, dietary habits, geographical factors and parental modelling were the considered predictors. From the multiple logistic regression analysis, including schools as a random effect, and after adjusting for the confounding variables–educational system and province (stratification variables), gender and age–it became clear that the following risk indicators remained significant (at 5% level) for the presence of caries: frequency of toothbrushing (P=0.05) with an OR 1.24 for brushing less than once a day, age at start of brushing (P<0.001) with an OR=1.22 for a delay of 1 year, regular use of fluoride supplements (P<0.001) with an OR=1.54 for no use, daily use of sugar‐containing drinks between meals (P<0.001) with an OR=1.38, and number of between‐meals snacks (P=0.012) with an OR=1.22 for using more than 2 between‐meal snacks. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) in caries experience determined by the geographical spread, with an explicit trend of caries declining from the east to the west. In a model with an ordinal response outcome, the daily use of sugar‐containing drinks between meals had a more pronounced effect when caries levels were high. From this study it became obvious that, in Flemish children, an early start of brushing and a brushing frequency of at least once a day need to be encouraged, while the use of sugar‐containing drinks and snacks between meals needs to be restricted to a maximum of 2 per day. Geographical differences need to be investigated in more detail.


Community Dentistry and Oral EpidemiologyWiley

Published: Dec 1, 2001

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