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An Analysis of Relationships Between Import Flows to Australia and Recent Exchange Rate and Tariff Changes *

An Analysis of Relationships Between Import Flows to Australia and Recent Exchange Rate and... THE ECONOMIC RECORD MARCH creased by 46 per cent. This is the largest percentage increase since 1947-48. In constant price terms the increase was 35 per cent. The object o this paper is to provide an explanation o the variaf f tions in the flow of imports between 1969(iii) and 1974(iv). This is done in terms o a number of influences such as changes in gross f national expanditure, scarcity o local supplies and the price o imports f f relative to the Australian price level. Special emphasis, however, is placed on the effect of relative price changes and in particular those changes in relative prices which stem from variations in exchange rates and tariff levels. In Part I of the paper variations in the competitivmess o Austraf lian production are measured by variations in the price of imports relative to variations in the Australian price level as measured by the deflator for gross national expenditure. The competitiveness of Australian production measured in this way deteriorated considerably during 1973. In general this deterioration occurred not because the rate of inflation in Australia was that different from the rate of inflation prevailing in import supplying countries but primarily as The Economic Record Wiley

An Analysis of Relationships Between Import Flows to Australia and Recent Exchange Rate and Tariff Changes *

The Economic Record , Volume 52 (1) – Mar 1, 1976

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Copyright © 1976 Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company
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THE ECONOMIC RECORD MARCH creased by 46 per cent. This is the largest percentage increase since 1947-48. In constant price terms the increase was 35 per cent. The object o this paper is to provide an explanation o the variaf f tions in the flow of imports between 1969(iii) and 1974(iv). This is done in terms o a number of influences such as changes in gross f national expanditure, scarcity o local supplies and the price o imports f f relative to the Australian price level. Special emphasis, however, is placed on the effect of relative price changes and in particular those changes in relative prices which stem from variations in exchange rates and tariff levels. In Part I of the paper variations in the competitivmess o Austraf lian production are measured by variations in the price of imports relative to variations in the Australian price level as measured by the deflator for gross national expenditure. The competitiveness of Australian production measured in this way deteriorated considerably during 1973. In general this deterioration occurred not because the rate of inflation in Australia was that different from the rate of inflation prevailing in import supplying countries but primarily as


The Economic RecordWiley

Published: Mar 1, 1976

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