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Translating Tolkien: Philological Elements in "The Lord of the Rings" (review)

Translating Tolkien: Philological Elements in "The Lord of the Rings" (review) Book Reviews some of those young people, loving Jackson's film so much, will read essays criticizing it, perceive Tolkien devotees as killjoys, and decide not to read the novel. In effect, what the anti-Jackson authors are saying to the fans is, "Stop loving those films that you love so much, and start instead loving these books that I love so much." They are trying to catch flies with vinegar. It might be more efficacious to say to Jackson's fans (gritting one's teeth if necessary), "All right, you love these films. Now if you read these wonderful books, you might also love them as much or even more." I'll bet many of them would. Many already have. KRISTIN THOMPSON UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON MADISON, WISCONSIN WORKS CITED Ancalagon the Black. "The Complete List of Film Changes." Tolkien Online (1999 onward), Burdge, Anthony S. and Burke, Jessica. "Humiliated Heroes: Peter Jackson's Interpretation of The Lord of the Rings." In Translating Tolkien: Text and Film, edited by Thomas Honegger (Zurich: Walking Tree, 2004): 135-164. Cagle, Jess. "Lure of the Ring," Time (December 2, 2002): 89. Translating Tolkien: Philological Elements in "The Lord of the Rings," by Allan Turner. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, Tolkien Studies West Virginia University Press

Translating Tolkien: Philological Elements in "The Lord of the Rings" (review)

Tolkien Studies , Volume 3 (1) – May 9, 2006

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Book Reviews some of those young people, loving Jackson's film so much, will read essays criticizing it, perceive Tolkien devotees as killjoys, and decide not to read the novel. In effect, what the anti-Jackson authors are saying to the fans is, "Stop loving those films that you love so much, and start instead loving these books that I love so much." They are trying to catch flies with vinegar. It might be more efficacious to say to Jackson's fans (gritting one's teeth if necessary), "All right, you love these films. Now if you read these wonderful books, you might also love them as much or even more." I'll bet many of them would. Many already have. KRISTIN THOMPSON UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON MADISON, WISCONSIN WORKS CITED Ancalagon the Black. "The Complete List of Film Changes." Tolkien Online (1999 onward), Burdge, Anthony S. and Burke, Jessica. "Humiliated Heroes: Peter Jackson's Interpretation of The Lord of the Rings." In Translating Tolkien: Text and Film, edited by Thomas Honegger (Zurich: Walking Tree, 2004): 135-164. Cagle, Jess. "Lure of the Ring," Time (December 2, 2002): 89. Translating Tolkien: Philological Elements in "The Lord of the Rings," by Allan Turner. Frankfurt: Peter Lang,


Tolkien StudiesWest Virginia University Press

Published: May 9, 2006

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