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Tolkien, les racines du legendaire, and: Tolkien, trente ans apres (1973-2003) (review)

Tolkien, les racines du legendaire, and: Tolkien, trente ans apres (1973-2003) (review) Book Reviews phenomena of Middle-earth, this book instead invites conjecture and debate. Although written for a general audience, the author clearly believes his topic is worthy of intellectual analysis and that his audience has the intellect to understand it. His unique position as author, scientist, and fan converge to create unique insights, some of breathtaking power and beauty. Furthermore, this book insists that science and fantasy exist in a symbiotic relationship, each supporting and nourishing the other. Both, after all, require a desire to explore the implications of existence, to delight in possibility, and to engage the imagination. Though most of the science of Middle-earth must remain, by its very nature, speculative, readers will almost certainly leave this book with an increased respect for Tolkien, science, and the wonders of Middle-earth. AMY AMENDT-RADUEGE MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN Tolkien, les racines du légendaire, edited by Michaël Devaux. Geneva: Ad Solem, 2003. 416 pp. 31.00 (trade paperback) ISBN 2884820272. La Feuille de la Compagnie: Cahier d'études tolkiennes 2. Tolkien, trente ans après (1973-2003), edited by Vincent Ferré. Paris: Christian Bourgois, 2004. 394 pp. 22.00 (trade paperback) ISBN 2267017385. After many decades of apparently evincing little interest in the works of Tolkien Studies West Virginia University Press

Tolkien, les racines du legendaire, and: Tolkien, trente ans apres (1973-2003) (review)

Tolkien Studies , Volume 3 (1) – May 9, 2006

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West Virginia University Press
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Book Reviews phenomena of Middle-earth, this book instead invites conjecture and debate. Although written for a general audience, the author clearly believes his topic is worthy of intellectual analysis and that his audience has the intellect to understand it. His unique position as author, scientist, and fan converge to create unique insights, some of breathtaking power and beauty. Furthermore, this book insists that science and fantasy exist in a symbiotic relationship, each supporting and nourishing the other. Both, after all, require a desire to explore the implications of existence, to delight in possibility, and to engage the imagination. Though most of the science of Middle-earth must remain, by its very nature, speculative, readers will almost certainly leave this book with an increased respect for Tolkien, science, and the wonders of Middle-earth. AMY AMENDT-RADUEGE MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN Tolkien, les racines du légendaire, edited by Michaël Devaux. Geneva: Ad Solem, 2003. 416 pp. 31.00 (trade paperback) ISBN 2884820272. La Feuille de la Compagnie: Cahier d'études tolkiennes 2. Tolkien, trente ans après (1973-2003), edited by Vincent Ferré. Paris: Christian Bourgois, 2004. 394 pp. 22.00 (trade paperback) ISBN 2267017385. After many decades of apparently evincing little interest in the works of


Tolkien StudiesWest Virginia University Press

Published: May 9, 2006

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