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Smith of Wootton Major: Extended Edition (review)

Smith of Wootton Major: Extended Edition (review) Book Reviews paradigms one has only to recall his reminiscence of a sitting in a wartime lecture next to a soldier who suddenly exclaimed, "Yes, I think I shall express the accusative case by a prefix!" Just consider the splendour of the words! . . . What a pondering of alternatives within one's choice before the final decision in favour of the daring and unusual prefix, so personal, so attractive; the final solution of some element in a design that had hitherto proved refractory. Here were no base considerations of the `practical', the easiest for the `modern mind', or for the million--only a question of taste, a satisfaction of a personal pleasure, a private sense of fitness. As he said his words the little man's smile was full of a great delight, as of a poet or painter seeing suddenly the solution of a hitherto clumsy passage ("A Secret Vice," MC 199). Language creation, for Tolkien, was an act of gorgeous, individualistic rebellion in an era of barbarous conformity. These papers afford a glimpse over his shoulder as he worried at the details in the still of the night, repeatedly tearing up his work but, no doubt, also Tolkien Studies West Virginia University Press

Smith of Wootton Major: Extended Edition (review)

Tolkien Studies , Volume 3 (1) – May 9, 2006

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West Virginia University Press
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Book Reviews paradigms one has only to recall his reminiscence of a sitting in a wartime lecture next to a soldier who suddenly exclaimed, "Yes, I think I shall express the accusative case by a prefix!" Just consider the splendour of the words! . . . What a pondering of alternatives within one's choice before the final decision in favour of the daring and unusual prefix, so personal, so attractive; the final solution of some element in a design that had hitherto proved refractory. Here were no base considerations of the `practical', the easiest for the `modern mind', or for the million--only a question of taste, a satisfaction of a personal pleasure, a private sense of fitness. As he said his words the little man's smile was full of a great delight, as of a poet or painter seeing suddenly the solution of a hitherto clumsy passage ("A Secret Vice," MC 199). Language creation, for Tolkien, was an act of gorgeous, individualistic rebellion in an era of barbarous conformity. These papers afford a glimpse over his shoulder as he worried at the details in the still of the night, repeatedly tearing up his work but, no doubt, also


Tolkien StudiesWest Virginia University Press

Published: May 9, 2006

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