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INVITED COMMENTARY The Importance of Interprofessional Practice and Education in the Era of Accountable Care Jane Nester In order to succeed in today’s health care environment, help to “build relationships, interconnections and interde- interprofessional teams are essential. The terms “multi- pendencies in order to manage complex problems” such as disciplinary care” and “interdisciplinary care” have been health care services [3]. IPE has become an important topic replaced by the more contemporary term “interprofessional in the field of today’s health care, and it impacts how we practice and education” (IPE), which occurs when individu- train health professionals to participate on care teams. In als “from two or more professions learn about, from and with order to succeed in today’s health care environment, inter- each other to enable effective collaboration and improve professional teams are essential [4]. health outcomes.” This commentary discusses new models Accountable Care Organizations of care, team members who contribute to IPE, and incentives and challenges. The health care workforce has changed in recent years, and it will continue to evolve, with an emphasis on the inte- gral role of primary care and interprofessional teams. There he landscape of health care delivery has changed con- will also continue
North Carolina Medical Journal – Unpaywall
Published: Mar 1, 2016
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