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Patterns of e-journal use within the Anatolian University Library Consortium

Patterns of e-journal use within the Anatolian University Library Consortium Serials – 20(1), March 2007 Bülent Karasözen et al Patterns of e-journal use within ANKOS Patterns of e-journal use within the Anatolian University Library Consortium Based on a paper presented at the ICOLC conference in Rome, 11–14 October 2006 With the establishment of the Anatolian University Library Consortium (ANKOS), the number of accessible databases and the usage of electronic journals has increased rapidly. Due to the diversity of the universities, BÜLENT HACER (BATI) diferences in usage for various subject collec- AYHAN KARASÖZEN KAYGUSUZ ÖZEN tions are observed. In this study, a comparison Library Director Serials Librarian Library Director between the research activity in Turkey and Middle East Middle East Technical Istanbul Technical electronic journal usage through ANKOS has Technical University University University been carried out. The data on the total and Ankara Instanbul Ankara subject-based full-text article usage indicates a strong correlation between the number of published articles and their usage. Additionally, a rank analysis was conducted to establish similarities and differences between each institution’s usage and the aggregated consortium usage. ANKOS and the higher education system of Turkey The Anatolian University Library Consortium In the Turkish higher education system there are (ANKOS) was founded in 2001. The development 93 universities. Of these, 68 are state funded and 25 of the consortium up to 2005 has been documented are private universities. Sixteen of these universities 1,2 in two recent articles . The majority of ANKOS were founded in 2006. The higher education institu- members are universities; but membership is also tions had about 1.6 million students and academic open to special (research) libraries. ANKOS is an staff in the 2005–2006 academic year. The university opt-in consortium; all contracts allow new population in 2005–2006 consisted of 55% under- members to join later on the agreed conditions graduate, 31% vocational, 7% master and 2% PhD such as CIBER and NESLI. Over time, joining the students. The proportion of academic staff is 5% of consortium has become the only option for many the total university population. Although 27% of libraries which want to access electronic databases. the universities are private universities, these have Turkish universities are organized under the only 7% of the total university population. Council of Higher Education, which is the fully The FTE (full-time equivalent) of the univer- autonomous supreme corporate public body sities varied from 1,000 to over 50,000. The library responsible for the planning, co-ordination, collection expenditures varied in 2006 between governance and supervision of higher education. $200,000 and $3,000,000. Under these extremely ANKOS is a voluntary association working since diverse conditions it was a challenge to build up a 2006 under the Inter-university Council, which is successful consortium within a few years. an academic advisory body of the Council of The number of members participating in the Higher Education comprising the rectors. ANKOS consortium has been growing continuously as is responsible for all administrative and financial indicated in Figure 1. In 2006 ANKOS members work and for subscriptions, renewals and national had access to 31 major e-journal packages, refer- site licensing of electronic databases on behalf of ence and bibliographic databases and e-book all Turkish universities. collections. Seventeen of these are from commercial 37 Patterns of e-journal use Bülent Karasözen et al Serials – 20(1), March 2007 Figure 1. Growth of ANKOS publishers, nine from society publishers, three Turkey participated in the 6th Framework of the from aggregator databases and two are electronic EU and will participate in the 7th. There are 27,000 book collections. The average number of ANKOS full-time equivalent researchers (1.2 for every contracts per member library increased from 5.4 in 1,000). Of these, 73% are employed in higher 2003 to 9.9 in 2006. As this data shows, Turkish education institutions, 16% in the private sector academic and research libraries are still trying to and 11% in the public sector. This is far below the enrich their electronic collections to satisfy the EU average which is 5.7 in 1,000 population. What increasing need for scientific information. All is more, the number of PhD candidates (0.05 in licence agreements have an e-only option. The 1,000 population aged 25 to 34) is ten times less number of universities moving to e-only has than the EU average. Another fact is that research increased significantly in recent years. activity is concentrated in only a few universities. Figure 1 indicates that despite insufficient Because of this, half the PhD students are in just financial resources, Turkish academic and research seven universities. All of these situations are libraries are still enriching their electronic collections. reflected in the uneven full-text journal usage of Usage statistics for full-text databases also monitored universities. rapid growth, as shown in Table 1. The total Databases Number of total number of full-text downloads was approximately downloads 7.8 million in 2005, and with the inclusion of the for the consortium aggregator databases, over 10 million. ACS 161,327 In order to increase scientific activity, the AIP 67,585 Turkish government has invested a lot in higher Blackwell 542,613 education in the last 15 years. The percentage of CUP 33,469 R&D expenditure performed by universities is Emerald 53,734 IEL 528,499 64.3%, by private institutions 28.7% and by public IOP 48,234 institutions 7%. Several universities have PhD OUP 222,646 programmes to meet the need for young faculty in Ovid 233,458 the newly established universities. TUBITAK ScienceDirect 5,212,721 (Turkish Scientific and Research Council) offers Springer 37,5302 many PhD and postdoctoral grants, and supports Wiley 27,2125 many projects between the universities and industry. Total 7,751,713 All this activity gained further momentum with Turkey’s decision to apply for EU membership. Table 1. Number of full-text downloads in 2005 38 Serials – 20(1), March 2007 Bülent Karasözen et all Patterns of e-journal use Figure 2. Cumulative usage of journal titles Usage and research activities shows the number and percentage of journals by usage percentage for three major electronic journal Based on the ‘big deal’ agreements, many of the packages (ScienceDirect, Springer and Wiley) licences within ANKOS serve a full package of subscribed by ANKOS. Thus the majority of titles content to all members. The measurement based are used infrequently and a small number of core on title usage of the overall consortium is therefore journals satisfy a significant proportion of the important. A significant increase in the number of usage in the ANKOS Consortium, as in all other 4,5 electronic resources in terms of the big deal consortia (see for example ). These results are agreements has led to a steady increase in usage. consistent with Bradford’s Law and the 80/20 rule, Full-text journal article usage statistics of with slight variations. COUNTER-compliant databases show that ANKOS The number of publications in Turkey increased members heavily utilized the benefits of the far above the world average of 3.5% per year as consortium. seen in East Asia and India. According to the Recently, more attention has been given in the number of publications, Turkey moved from 32nd literature to title-based usage and patterns of place in 1996 to 19th place in 2005. Furthermore, 5,6 institutional usage within the consortium Title- Turkey’s share in world publications increased based usage statistics show the distribution of the over the same period from 0.374 to 1.323. This journals used within the consortium. Figure 2 development can be seen in Figure 3. Figure 3. Growth in number of scientific publications in Turkey 39 Patterns of e-journal use Bülent Karasözen et al Serials – 20(1), March 2007 Figure 5. Correlation of publications and full-text downloads in Figure 4. Correlation of publications and full-text downloads in expected from this data that within the next five In order to see how effectively the databases are used within the institutions, it is important to years the usage and number of publications will correlate more strongly (see Table 2). show the relationship between the cumulative usage of databases and the number of published In a consortium, similarities in title-based usage between the universities can be measured by the articles. In general there is a positive correlation between the usage of databases and publications correlation analysis. Based on the rank order of usage by title, similarities between the universities by the universities within ANKOS. This shows the importance of the consortium for providing and the consortium as a total can be measured using the Spearman correlation coefficient. By scientific information for the research community. The next two graphs, Figures 4 and 5, show the using this correlation coefficient, one can find the similarities and differences between journal titles relationship between the number of published articles and full-text downloads of databases listed in use for all consortium members . Ranked from –1 and 1, the Spearman correlation coefficient in Table 1 for each university. The calculated Pearson correlation coefficient for the year 2004 is determines an institution’s degree of similarity with other universities and the total consortium. 0.88 and for 2005 it is 0.81. Taking out the two outliers, the Pearson correlation coefficient Figure 4 shows a correlation coefficient of universities with total consortium usage for three becomes 0.87 for 2005. All these indicate a strong relationship between the usage and research major full-text journal packages. Figure 6 shows the rankings of each institution’s activity that is consistent over the two years. A comparison of publications to usage with usage compared with the total aggregated ANKOS usage. The differences in usage are due to the respect to subject areas also reveals another type of correlation. In order to see how the usage of degree of the research activity and different research areas of the universities. According to e-journals is distributed among the subject areas, we have taken the full-text downloads in the Figure 6, the Spearman correlation coefficient of 20 universities for each database is above 0.7, 15 subject categories of ScienceDirect and com- pared them with the published articles in 2001– indicating a strong relationship with the whole consortium usage. Large and research-intensive 2005 in Turkey according to Web of Science subject categories. Because the ScienceDirect collection is a universities are, as expected, ranked more closely to the aggregated consortium usage. Compared highly interdisciplinary journal collection, the subject areas of ScienceDirect and Web of Science with Wiley and Springer, more universities have similar usage pattern for ScienceDirect titles. A do not match completely. Furthermore, one can observe a strong correlation between the usage similar rank analysis was carried out on OhioLINK’s usage data to evaluate the effect of the and published articles in the areas of medicine, chemistry, engineering and biology. In some areas, big deal on each institution’s full-text usage . There are other ways to analyze the usage by different like neuroscience, economics and management, the usage is higher than the number of publications. institutions, such as a hierarchical cluster analysis, which can similarly classify institutions with the This is due to the fact that the number of researchers in these areas is not as high as in others. It can be consortium based on journal title usage . 40 Serials – 20(1), March 2007 Bülent Karasözen et all Patterns of e-journal use Usage Publication Subject areas (SD) % Rank Subject areas (ISI) % Rank medicine and dentistry 17 1 clinical medicine 40 1 chemistry and chemical engineering 11 2 chemistry 12 2 biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology 9 3 engineering 10 3 engineering 9 4 physics and space sciences 7 4 materials science 8 5 biology, biochemistry and molecular biology 6 5 agricultural and biological sciences 7 6 materials science 4 6 pharmacology, toxicology and agricultural sciences 4 7 pharmaceutical sciences 5 7 ecology/environment 3 8 neuroscience 4 8 pharmacology 3 9 economics, econometrics, finance, business, geosciences 2 10 management and accounting 4 9 neuroscience 2 11 physics and astronomy 4 10 immunology and microbiology 2 12 environmental sciences 4 11 psychology & psychiatry 1 13 earth and planetary sciences 4 12 social sciences 1 14 social sciences 4 13 economics and business 1 15 mathematics 3 14 mathematics 1 16 computer sciences 3 15 computer sciences 1 17 immunology and microbiology 3 16 psychology 2 17 Table 2. Comparison of downloads and publications according to subject areas Figure 6. Rank-ordered correlations (using Spearman’s rho) Conclusions The number of subscriptions to electronic wider access that would have otherwise been databases in Turkish universities has experienced impossible. substantial growth since the foundation of ANKOS The analysis of usage statistics shows a strong in 2001. The increasing usage has allowed the correlation between each institution’s total usage, universities with insufficient financial resources and the usage in different subject collections with 41 Patterns of e-journal use Bülent Karasözen et al Serials – 20(1), March 2007 6. Gatten, J N and Sanville, T, An Orderly Retreat from the research activity. A further detailed analysis of 6,7 the Big Deal: Is It Possible for Consortia?, D-Lib the usage statistics as recently reported , com- Magazine, 2004, 10(10). bined with a cost-benefit analysis, can be used in new negotiations with the publishers and for 10gatten.html developing national strategies in accessing scien- tific information. This will give an opportunity for 7. Bevan, S, Dalton, P and Conyers, A, How usage each institution to evaluate the benefits of the big statistics can inform national negotiations and deal more realistically. strategies, Serials, 2005, 18(2), 116–123. References Article © Bülent Karasözen, Ayhan Kaygusuz and Hacer (Batı) Özen 1. Karasözen, B and Lindley, J A, Impact of ANKOS: Consortium Development in Turkey, Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2004, 30(5), 402–409. 2. Erdogan, P L, and Karasözen, B, ANKOS and Its ■ Bülent Karasözen Dealings with Vendors, Journal of Library Library Director Middle East Technical University Administration, 2006, 44(3/4), 69–84. Ankara,Turkey 3. Gargiulo, P, Electronic journals and users: the E-mail: [email protected] CIBER experience in Italy, Serials, 2003, 16(3), ■ Ayhan Kaygusuz 293–298. Library Director 4. Urbano, C, Anglada, L M, Borrego, A, Cantos, C, Istanbul T echnical University Cosculluela, C and Comellas, N, The Use of Istanbul,Turkey Consortially Purchased Electronic Journals by the E-mail: [email protected] CBUC (2000–2003), D-Lib Magazine, 2004, 10(6). ■ Hacer (Batı) Özen Serials Librarian html Middle East Technical University 5. Davis, P M, Patterns in Electronic Consortia, College Ankara,Turkey & Research Libraries Journal Usage Challenging the E-mail: [email protected] Composition of Geographic, 2002, 63(6), 484–497. To view the original copy of this article, published in Serials, the journal of the UKSG, click here: For a link to the table of contents for the issue of Serials in which this article first appeared, click here: Serials Unpaywall

Patterns of e-journal use within the Anatolian University Library Consortium

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Serials – 20(1), March 2007 Bülent Karasözen et al Patterns of e-journal use within ANKOS Patterns of e-journal use within the Anatolian University Library Consortium Based on a paper presented at the ICOLC conference in Rome, 11–14 October 2006 With the establishment of the Anatolian University Library Consortium (ANKOS), the number of accessible databases and the usage of electronic journals has increased rapidly. Due to the diversity of the universities, BÜLENT HACER (BATI) diferences in usage for various subject collec- AYHAN KARASÖZEN KAYGUSUZ ÖZEN tions are observed. In this study, a comparison Library Director Serials Librarian Library Director between the research activity in Turkey and Middle East Middle East Technical Istanbul Technical electronic journal usage through ANKOS has Technical University University University been carried out. The data on the total and Ankara Instanbul Ankara subject-based full-text article usage indicates a strong correlation between the number of published articles and their usage. Additionally, a rank analysis was conducted to establish similarities and differences between each institution’s usage and the aggregated consortium usage. ANKOS and the higher education system of Turkey The Anatolian University Library Consortium In the Turkish higher education system there are (ANKOS) was founded in 2001. The development 93 universities. Of these, 68 are state funded and 25 of the consortium up to 2005 has been documented are private universities. Sixteen of these universities 1,2 in two recent articles . The majority of ANKOS were founded in 2006. The higher education institu- members are universities; but membership is also tions had about 1.6 million students and academic open to special (research) libraries. ANKOS is an staff in the 2005–2006 academic year. The university opt-in consortium; all contracts allow new population in 2005–2006 consisted of 55% under- members to join later on the agreed conditions graduate, 31% vocational, 7% master and 2% PhD such as CIBER and NESLI. Over time, joining the students. The proportion of academic staff is 5% of consortium has become the only option for many the total university population. Although 27% of libraries which want to access electronic databases. the universities are private universities, these have Turkish universities are organized under the only 7% of the total university population. Council of Higher Education, which is the fully The FTE (full-time equivalent) of the univer- autonomous supreme corporate public body sities varied from 1,000 to over 50,000. The library responsible for the planning, co-ordination, collection expenditures varied in 2006 between governance and supervision of higher education. $200,000 and $3,000,000. Under these extremely ANKOS is a voluntary association working since diverse conditions it was a challenge to build up a 2006 under the Inter-university Council, which is successful consortium within a few years. an academic advisory body of the Council of The number of members participating in the Higher Education comprising the rectors. ANKOS consortium has been growing continuously as is responsible for all administrative and financial indicated in Figure 1. In 2006 ANKOS members work and for subscriptions, renewals and national had access to 31 major e-journal packages, refer- site licensing of electronic databases on behalf of ence and bibliographic databases and e-book all Turkish universities. collections. Seventeen of these are from commercial 37 Patterns of e-journal use Bülent Karasözen et al Serials – 20(1), March 2007 Figure 1. Growth of ANKOS publishers, nine from society publishers, three Turkey participated in the 6th Framework of the from aggregator databases and two are electronic EU and will participate in the 7th. There are 27,000 book collections. The average number of ANKOS full-time equivalent researchers (1.2 for every contracts per member library increased from 5.4 in 1,000). Of these, 73% are employed in higher 2003 to 9.9 in 2006. As this data shows, Turkish education institutions, 16% in the private sector academic and research libraries are still trying to and 11% in the public sector. This is far below the enrich their electronic collections to satisfy the EU average which is 5.7 in 1,000 population. What increasing need for scientific information. All is more, the number of PhD candidates (0.05 in licence agreements have an e-only option. The 1,000 population aged 25 to 34) is ten times less number of universities moving to e-only has than the EU average. Another fact is that research increased significantly in recent years. activity is concentrated in only a few universities. Figure 1 indicates that despite insufficient Because of this, half the PhD students are in just financial resources, Turkish academic and research seven universities. All of these situations are libraries are still enriching their electronic collections. reflected in the uneven full-text journal usage of Usage statistics for full-text databases also monitored universities. rapid growth, as shown in Table 1. The total Databases Number of total number of full-text downloads was approximately downloads 7.8 million in 2005, and with the inclusion of the for the consortium aggregator databases, over 10 million. ACS 161,327 In order to increase scientific activity, the AIP 67,585 Turkish government has invested a lot in higher Blackwell 542,613 education in the last 15 years. The percentage of CUP 33,469 R&D expenditure performed by universities is Emerald 53,734 IEL 528,499 64.3%, by private institutions 28.7% and by public IOP 48,234 institutions 7%. Several universities have PhD OUP 222,646 programmes to meet the need for young faculty in Ovid 233,458 the newly established universities. TUBITAK ScienceDirect 5,212,721 (Turkish Scientific and Research Council) offers Springer 37,5302 many PhD and postdoctoral grants, and supports Wiley 27,2125 many projects between the universities and industry. Total 7,751,713 All this activity gained further momentum with Turkey’s decision to apply for EU membership. Table 1. Number of full-text downloads in 2005 38 Serials – 20(1), March 2007 Bülent Karasözen et all Patterns of e-journal use Figure 2. Cumulative usage of journal titles Usage and research activities shows the number and percentage of journals by usage percentage for three major electronic journal Based on the ‘big deal’ agreements, many of the packages (ScienceDirect, Springer and Wiley) licences within ANKOS serve a full package of subscribed by ANKOS. Thus the majority of titles content to all members. The measurement based are used infrequently and a small number of core on title usage of the overall consortium is therefore journals satisfy a significant proportion of the important. A significant increase in the number of usage in the ANKOS Consortium, as in all other 4,5 electronic resources in terms of the big deal consortia (see for example ). These results are agreements has led to a steady increase in usage. consistent with Bradford’s Law and the 80/20 rule, Full-text journal article usage statistics of with slight variations. COUNTER-compliant databases show that ANKOS The number of publications in Turkey increased members heavily utilized the benefits of the far above the world average of 3.5% per year as consortium. seen in East Asia and India. According to the Recently, more attention has been given in the number of publications, Turkey moved from 32nd literature to title-based usage and patterns of place in 1996 to 19th place in 2005. Furthermore, 5,6 institutional usage within the consortium Title- Turkey’s share in world publications increased based usage statistics show the distribution of the over the same period from 0.374 to 1.323. This journals used within the consortium. Figure 2 development can be seen in Figure 3. Figure 3. Growth in number of scientific publications in Turkey 39 Patterns of e-journal use Bülent Karasözen et al Serials – 20(1), March 2007 Figure 5. Correlation of publications and full-text downloads in Figure 4. Correlation of publications and full-text downloads in expected from this data that within the next five In order to see how effectively the databases are used within the institutions, it is important to years the usage and number of publications will correlate more strongly (see Table 2). show the relationship between the cumulative usage of databases and the number of published In a consortium, similarities in title-based usage between the universities can be measured by the articles. In general there is a positive correlation between the usage of databases and publications correlation analysis. Based on the rank order of usage by title, similarities between the universities by the universities within ANKOS. This shows the importance of the consortium for providing and the consortium as a total can be measured using the Spearman correlation coefficient. By scientific information for the research community. The next two graphs, Figures 4 and 5, show the using this correlation coefficient, one can find the similarities and differences between journal titles relationship between the number of published articles and full-text downloads of databases listed in use for all consortium members . Ranked from –1 and 1, the Spearman correlation coefficient in Table 1 for each university. The calculated Pearson correlation coefficient for the year 2004 is determines an institution’s degree of similarity with other universities and the total consortium. 0.88 and for 2005 it is 0.81. Taking out the two outliers, the Pearson correlation coefficient Figure 4 shows a correlation coefficient of universities with total consortium usage for three becomes 0.87 for 2005. All these indicate a strong relationship between the usage and research major full-text journal packages. Figure 6 shows the rankings of each institution’s activity that is consistent over the two years. A comparison of publications to usage with usage compared with the total aggregated ANKOS usage. The differences in usage are due to the respect to subject areas also reveals another type of correlation. In order to see how the usage of degree of the research activity and different research areas of the universities. According to e-journals is distributed among the subject areas, we have taken the full-text downloads in the Figure 6, the Spearman correlation coefficient of 20 universities for each database is above 0.7, 15 subject categories of ScienceDirect and com- pared them with the published articles in 2001– indicating a strong relationship with the whole consortium usage. Large and research-intensive 2005 in Turkey according to Web of Science subject categories. Because the ScienceDirect collection is a universities are, as expected, ranked more closely to the aggregated consortium usage. Compared highly interdisciplinary journal collection, the subject areas of ScienceDirect and Web of Science with Wiley and Springer, more universities have similar usage pattern for ScienceDirect titles. A do not match completely. Furthermore, one can observe a strong correlation between the usage similar rank analysis was carried out on OhioLINK’s usage data to evaluate the effect of the and published articles in the areas of medicine, chemistry, engineering and biology. In some areas, big deal on each institution’s full-text usage . There are other ways to analyze the usage by different like neuroscience, economics and management, the usage is higher than the number of publications. institutions, such as a hierarchical cluster analysis, which can similarly classify institutions with the This is due to the fact that the number of researchers in these areas is not as high as in others. It can be consortium based on journal title usage . 40 Serials – 20(1), March 2007 Bülent Karasözen et all Patterns of e-journal use Usage Publication Subject areas (SD) % Rank Subject areas (ISI) % Rank medicine and dentistry 17 1 clinical medicine 40 1 chemistry and chemical engineering 11 2 chemistry 12 2 biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology 9 3 engineering 10 3 engineering 9 4 physics and space sciences 7 4 materials science 8 5 biology, biochemistry and molecular biology 6 5 agricultural and biological sciences 7 6 materials science 4 6 pharmacology, toxicology and agricultural sciences 4 7 pharmaceutical sciences 5 7 ecology/environment 3 8 neuroscience 4 8 pharmacology 3 9 economics, econometrics, finance, business, geosciences 2 10 management and accounting 4 9 neuroscience 2 11 physics and astronomy 4 10 immunology and microbiology 2 12 environmental sciences 4 11 psychology & psychiatry 1 13 earth and planetary sciences 4 12 social sciences 1 14 social sciences 4 13 economics and business 1 15 mathematics 3 14 mathematics 1 16 computer sciences 3 15 computer sciences 1 17 immunology and microbiology 3 16 psychology 2 17 Table 2. Comparison of downloads and publications according to subject areas Figure 6. Rank-ordered correlations (using Spearman’s rho) Conclusions The number of subscriptions to electronic wider access that would have otherwise been databases in Turkish universities has experienced impossible. substantial growth since the foundation of ANKOS The analysis of usage statistics shows a strong in 2001. The increasing usage has allowed the correlation between each institution’s total usage, universities with insufficient financial resources and the usage in different subject collections with 41 Patterns of e-journal use Bülent Karasözen et al Serials – 20(1), March 2007 6. Gatten, J N and Sanville, T, An Orderly Retreat from the research activity. A further detailed analysis of 6,7 the Big Deal: Is It Possible for Consortia?, D-Lib the usage statistics as recently reported , com- Magazine, 2004, 10(10). bined with a cost-benefit analysis, can be used in new negotiations with the publishers and for 10gatten.html developing national strategies in accessing scien- tific information. This will give an opportunity for 7. Bevan, S, Dalton, P and Conyers, A, How usage each institution to evaluate the benefits of the big statistics can inform national negotiations and deal more realistically. strategies, Serials, 2005, 18(2), 116–123. References Article © Bülent Karasözen, Ayhan Kaygusuz and Hacer (Batı) Özen 1. Karasözen, B and Lindley, J A, Impact of ANKOS: Consortium Development in Turkey, Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2004, 30(5), 402–409. 2. Erdogan, P L, and Karasözen, B, ANKOS and Its ■ Bülent Karasözen Dealings with Vendors, Journal of Library Library Director Middle East Technical University Administration, 2006, 44(3/4), 69–84. Ankara,Turkey 3. Gargiulo, P, Electronic journals and users: the E-mail: [email protected] CIBER experience in Italy, Serials, 2003, 16(3), ■ Ayhan Kaygusuz 293–298. Library Director 4. Urbano, C, Anglada, L M, Borrego, A, Cantos, C, Istanbul T echnical University Cosculluela, C and Comellas, N, The Use of Istanbul,Turkey Consortially Purchased Electronic Journals by the E-mail: [email protected] CBUC (2000–2003), D-Lib Magazine, 2004, 10(6). ■ Hacer (Batı) Özen Serials Librarian html Middle East Technical University 5. Davis, P M, Patterns in Electronic Consortia, College Ankara,Turkey & Research Libraries Journal Usage Challenging the E-mail: [email protected] Composition of Geographic, 2002, 63(6), 484–497. To view the original copy of this article, published in Serials, the journal of the UKSG, click here: For a link to the table of contents for the issue of Serials in which this article first appeared, click here:



Published: Mar 7, 2007

There are no references for this article.