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On the Existence of a Hitherto Unrecognized Dietary Factor Essential for Reproduction

On the Existence of a Hitherto Unrecognized Dietary Factor Essential for Reproduction TJ-e have employed a ration of casein consiant ube of structural formulas. TITith such added. practise the study of two chapters of organic (18), cornstarch (54) ancl lard (15) to ~vhicli chemistry is not appalling. outtterfat (9) and salts (4) are added, the ani- mals receiving separately and daily .4 gram A library shelf, easily accessible and espe- cially selected for students of general chemis- eacrh of clried whole yea&. try, pays goods dividends. Other texts, books Such animals are aterile. They are chiefly so In the first generabion and wholly so in the on the appliclations and special advertising pamphlets should fill this shelf. Not all will next succeeding one. The sterility of dieta~y read bu.t those 1~30 do are tlhe ones who take migin yields a highly charaoteiistic picture. Snimals suffe~ling'from it do noct differ ao pro- advanced chemistry. foundly from nornial ones in itheir ovarian Stress must be placed on equilibrium, early and late, on solutions, on .that fascinating functiion as they do in placental behavior. Ap-x proximately the same number of haafian fol- chapter about the periodic system, on he licles matu~ ancZ rupture per ovulation and hydrocarbons and their derivations and such the ova Science Unpaywall

On the Existence of a Hitherto Unrecognized Dietary Factor Essential for Reproduction

ScienceDec 8, 1922
2 pages

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TJ-e have employed a ration of casein consiant ube of structural formulas. TITith such added. practise the study of two chapters of organic (18), cornstarch (54) ancl lard (15) to ~vhicli chemistry is not appalling. outtterfat (9) and salts (4) are added, the ani- mals receiving separately and daily .4 gram A library shelf, easily accessible and espe- cially selected for students of general chemis- eacrh of clried whole yea&. try, pays goods dividends. Other texts, books Such animals are aterile. They are chiefly so In the first generabion and wholly so in the on the appliclations and special advertising pamphlets should fill this shelf. Not all will next succeeding one. The sterility of dieta~y read bu.t those 1~30 do are tlhe ones who take migin yields a highly charaoteiistic picture. Snimals suffe~ling'from it do noct differ ao pro- advanced chemistry. foundly from nornial ones in itheir ovarian Stress must be placed on equilibrium, early and late, on solutions, on .that fascinating functiion as they do in placental behavior. Ap-x proximately the same number of haafian fol- chapter about the periodic system, on he licles matu~ ancZ rupture per ovulation and hydrocarbons and their derivations and such the ova



Published: Dec 8, 1922

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