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Dynamic Organizational Capabilities: The Joint Effect of Agility, Resilience and Empowerment

Dynamic Organizational Capabilities: The Joint Effect of Agility, Resilience and Empowerment Journal of Human Resource Management 2018; 6(2): 44-49 doi: 10.11648/j.jhrm.20180602.11 ISSN: 2331-0707 (Print); ISSN: 2331-0715 (Online) Dynamic Organizational Capabilities: The Joint Effect of Agility, Resilience and Empowerment Mahmoud Abdelaziz Elgamal Management and Marketing Department, Kuwait University, Kuwait Email address: To cite this article: Mahmoud Abdelaziz Elgamal. Dynamic Organizational Capabilities: The Joint Effect of Agility, Resilience and Empowerment. Journal of Human Resource Management. Vol. 6, No. 2, 2018, pp. 44-49. doi: 10.11648/j.jhrm.20180602.11 Received: May 15, 2018; Accepted: June 14, 2018; Published: July 10, 2018 Abstract: The paper presents a model of Dynamic Organizational Capabilities (ODCs). The capabilities included are organizational agility, Organizational resilience and human resources empowerment. These capabilities were selected based on reviews of the literature, which showed the potency of these capabilities in terms of their single and joint impact over organizational vitality (OV). The paper went beyond providing a conceptualization of ODCs, to provide an empirical test of it. The model was tested using regression analysis. The results show that validity of the proposed ODC model. The organizational resilience acted as a moderator of the relationship between organization agility and OV. Thus the organizational resilience interaction with organization agility improved significantly the variance explained in OV. On the other hand human resources empowerment acted as a mediator between organizational agility and OV. The conceptual and empirical implications of the results are discussed and the limitations of the study noted, future research direction were pointed at. Keywords: Dynamic Organization Capabilities, Organizational Agility, Organizational Resilience, Human Resources Empowerment, Organizational Vitality 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review The current study is following the lead of several scholars The review of the literature indicate that the work in the who introduced the conceptualization of Dynamic area of ODCs remain mostly conceptual and focusing on the Managerial capabilities [19]. Specifically this study is foundational level of analysis, and that there is scarcity in the introducing the conceptualization of Dynamic Organizational empirical work reported in the literature [19]. The literature Capabilities (ODCs). These capabilities explain how is characterized as being theoretical rather than empirical. organizations can survive and sustain competitive advantages And most of the studies introduced one capability and by responding to environmental change, and by creating theorized about its impact over the organization performance. favorable environmental changes [19]. The domain of DOCs Many studies explored the construct of organizational is wide and complex. It covers strategic issues, organization agility and proposed a positive impact over OV (i.e. ([1, 3, vision, organization design, interactions with the 9]). Other stream of research focused on organizational environment and environmental change. resilience (i.e. [12-17]). Yet some other research focused on There are different versions of ODCs [19]. Sune and Gibb other ODCs, for example Goodman introduced engagement introduced a set of ODCs including adding, transferring, as an important variable for organizational vitality [8]. Many integrating and shedding and two higher – order capability, studies examined the impact of human resources goal development and change orchestration [18]. The current empowerment (i.e. [20, 11]). study advances a specific set of ODCs, that includes Other studies explored the interaction of agility, resilience organizational agility, organizational resilience and human and green. This was explored conceptually. Alhadid [1] resources empowerment. Reviews of the literature indicate examined the Joint effect of resilience capacity and strategic that the above named variables are dominant in the main agility and on organization thriving. The examination was at literature streams ([5, 12, 1]). 45 Mahmoud Abdelaziz Elgamal: Dynamic Organizational Capabilities: The Joint Effect of Agility, Resilience and Empowerment the conceptual level. Carvalho [6] examined the simultaneous 3. Data and Methodology deployment of agile and resilient approaches impact over the 3.1. Objectives supply chain performance and competitiveness using a conceptual level. The study has two fold objectives as follows: Yet very few empirical studies reported, notably the study i. To advance a specific set of ODCs, based on extensive Sure and Gibb [18]. Which explored the pattern of review of the literature. The set includes organizational organizational change empirically. The current study agility, organizational resilience and human resources advances conceptualizations of ODCs that include three very empowerment the dependent variable is organization frequently reported variables; namely organizational agility, vitality (OV). organization resilience and human resources empowerment. ii. To test the validity of the proposed ODCs in terms of The current study goes beyond introducing a their Join impact over OV. conceptualization of ODCs to testing empirically the proposed model. 3.2. The Study Model The following figure (Figure 1) depicts the study model Figure 1. The Study Model. The definitions of the Model variables are as follows stakeholders, and relevant communities, which results in the Organizational Agility organization remaining viable and stable overtime ([4, 8, 17, Agility is the ability of an organization to renew itself, 22]). The OV has three major dimensions as follows adapt, change quickly and succeed in a rapidly changing, Structure ambiguous, turbulent environment ([3, 14, 9, 6]). Structure measures the strength of the systems that are Organization Resilience currently in place, if policies and procedures line up with An organization’s resilience captures its ability to take organizational needs, and if departmental expectations and situation – specific robust, transformative actions when job duties are clear. People need to know what is expected, confronted with unexpected and powerful events that have the what their role in the organization is, and just how the potential to jeopardize an organization’s long term survival [7, organization is managed. 14, 17]). It is worth noting that resilience is distinguished from Direction agility; because it deals with powerful, significant changes that Direction focuses on the strategy and vision that the threatens the organizations life ([11, 13, 20]). leadership of an organization creates and promotes Empowerment throughout the organization. People need to have a clear Empowerment is a pillar that describes the relationship roadmap of the future of their organization and understand between leadership and employees through, authority, how they will reach significant milestones. Direction is autonomy and other factors. It refers to the degree with strengthened when there is a unified strategy and vision that which the powers of organizational leaders and lower – level all staff are connected and committed to carrying. employees are distributed, separated or shared ([11, 13, 20]). Stability Organizational Vitality (OV) Stability zeros in on an organization’s ability to attract, OV is defined as the degree to which an organization has hire, and retain top talent. It also gives a clear picture of how continually been successful in meeting performance effectively the organization comes together when challenges expectation in the eyes of its customer, employees, arise, if change is managed effectively, and whether or not Journal of Human Resource Management 2018; 6(2): 44-49 46 employees feel the organization provides adequate support to 4. Results truly be successful. People need to know that they are not on The descriptive statistics and reliability analysis of a “sinking ship” and that they have what it takes to succeed. Cronbach Alpha are depicted in table 1. The reliability It is to be noted that the study model above, proposes a analysis indicates that Cronbach Alpha for the study variables direct impact of organizational agility on OV, as well as ranged from .78 to .96, which shows acceptable levels of indirect impact. The latter is through the impact of the reliabilities. interaction between organizational agility and organizational resilience and the interaction between organizational agility Table 1. Descriptive Statistics & Reliability Analysis. and empowerment on OV. STD Cronback Variables N Mean Deviation Alpha 3.3. Hypotheses Responsiveness 177 4.78 1.18 .88 The study advances three hypotheses: Quickness 176 4.43 1.15 .88 Organization Resilience 177 5.74 .97 .89 i. The Join effect of organizational agility and Empowerment 177 5.52 .86 .78 organizational resilience has significant impact over OV. Direction 177 4.61 1.43 .91 ii. The Joint effect of organizational agility and human Structure 174 5.00 1.19 .96 resources empowerment has significant impact over OV. Stability 177 5.27 1.30 .82 iii. The Joint effect of organizational agility and The results of the regression analysis will be discussed, organizational resilience and human resources under the three following subheadings: empowerment has significant impact over OV. 1) The interaction between organizational agility and 3.4. Data organizational resilience. 2) The interaction between organizational agility and After developing the proposed conceptual model based on human resources empowerment. the literature reviews, the stage was set to empirically test the 3) The interaction among organizational agility, proposed model. Data were collected using a seven point organizational resilience and human resources likert type scale questionnaire. The subjects were empowerment. professionals and human resources staff working in 19 1. Regression analysis results of the interaction between Kuwaiti organizations. These organizations are operating in organizational agility and organizational resilience. the fields of financial services and IT. The number of The results of regression analysis in terms of the variance respondents is 177 subjects. They were select based on their explained of OV is depicted in figure 2. As the values of the tenure that is the subjects have to have minimum two years adjusted R-square show, the interaction between experience in their respective organizations. This condition organizational agility and organizational resilience. The was set to ensure the familiaityr of the subjects within their interaction effect improved significantly the values of the respecedt organizations. variance explained. Values are the adjusted R-Square. Figure 2. The summary of Regression Analysis Results. The impact of organizational agility on organization vitality & The Joint impact of organizational agility and organization resilience on Organization vitality. 47 Mahmoud Abdelaziz Elgamal: Dynamic Organizational Capabilities: The Joint Effect of Agility, Resilience and Empowerment The following Table (Table 2) depicts the values of Betas for the three OV dimensions Table 2. The Impact of the Interaction of Organization Agility and Resilience on Organization Vitality. Direction Structure Stability Independent Variables Standardized Coefficients Beta Sig Standardized Coefficients Beta Sig Standardized Coefficients Beta Sig Constant ---- .0001 .002 .0001 Agility -.098 .166 .21 .03 .13 .001 Resilience -.73 .0001 -.01 .88 -.40 .0001 AgilityResilience 1.48 .0001 .52 .001 1.17 .0001 Adjusted .73 .47 .92 The above table shows that there is a significant it was also true. The variance explained by the organizational interaction between organizational agility and resilience, agility is .69 while the interaction between organizational where all the Betas of the interactions are significant. agility and organizational resilience explained .86 of the Specifically, it was found that organizational resilience acts variance. as a moderator between agility and OV. Where a moderator The above results lend support to the hypothesis 1. That variable is defined as a third variable that affects the strength states the joint effect of organizational agility and of the relationship between an independent and dependent organizational resilience has significant impact over OV. variables (Hayes, 2013). The interaction is shown to improve 2. Regression analysis results of the interaction between the values of the variance explained significantly in OV organizational agility and human resources dimension. Namely for the direction the variance explained empowerment. The result of the regression analysis in by the organizational agility (the adjusted R-square) is .46, terms of the variance explained in OV is depicted in while the interaction between organizational agility and figure 3 As the values of the adjusted R-square shows, organizational resilience explained .61 of the variance. The the interaction between organizational agility and same is True of the OV dimension of structure. The variance human resources did not improve the variance explained by the organizational agility is .41, while the explained in OV. The interaction did not improve the interaction between organizational agility and organizational variance explained in OV for any of the OV resilience explained .46. As of the OV dimension of stability dimensions Values are the adjusted R-Square. Figure 3. The summary of Regression Analysis Results. The impact of organizational agility on organization vitality & The Joint impact of organizational agility and Empowerment on Organization vitality. The following Table (Table 3) depicts the values of Betas for the three OV dimensions Journal of Human Resource Management 2018; 6(2): 44-49 48 Table 3. The Impact of the Interaction of Organization Agility and Resilience on Organization Vitality. Independent Direction Structure Stability Variables Standardized Coefficients Beta Sig Standardized Coefficients Beta Sig Standardized Coefficients Beta Sig Constant .01 .001 Agility .58 .0001 .45 .0001 .65 .0001 Resilience .00 .998 -.09 ..33 -.26 .0001 AgilityEmpowerment .18 .16 .40 .001 .49 .0001 Adjusted .48 .47 .75 The above Table shows that there is significant interaction understanding of the dependent variable. In addition the between organizational agility and human resources interactions among the dimension of ODCs may have empowerment for two of the Betas namely for the OV different types. For instance in the current study, it was found dimensions of structure and stability specifically it was found that variables may act as moderators, or mediators. One can that the human resources empowerment acts as a mediator say also that The interaction between/ among variables of between organizational agility and OV. The mediator is ODCs may have differential impact on the dimensions of the defined as a variable that affects another variable, which in dependent variable. turn affects the dependent variable (Hayes, 2013). That is The practical implications It is suggested that human resources empowerment contributes to organizational Organizations should strive to build a multi-dimensional agility, which in turn contributes to OV. culture that accepts different but related variables such as The above results lend support to the hypothesis 2. That agility, resilience, and empowerment. As well Organizations states the joint should build resilience capabilities to survive in the very Effect of organizational agility and human resources turbulent and surprising environment. It is also suggested that empowerment has significant impact over OV. Organizations should make human resources The study did not include the results of the Joint empowerment a deep rooted practice. interaction of organizational agility, organizational resilience The limitations of the study include using perceptual data and human resources empowerment, simply because of the only and method to measure the independent and dependent fact that resilience and empowerment are having different variable. So it is subject to are method bias. The future relationships with organizational agility, the first acts as a research should Use hard data to measure organization moderator and the second acts as a mediator. vitality. And should also include other ODCs in addition to the ones used in the current study such as engagement. 5. Discussion 6. Conclusion The conceptualization of the DOCs, seem to be very promising since it groups together related important variables The study provided some evidence of the to improve the predictability of OV. The study attempted to conceptualization of ODCs; which is based on having a go beyond advancing a conceptualization of ODCs, by number of constructs that are related ,reinforcing and providing an empirical test for it which is very required complementary in terms of explaining OV. The focus of the research effort [18]. The review of the literature indicate that ODCs conceptualization is on the interactions. In the real agility is an ongoing processes. It is an evolving organizational life the main concern is focused on the phenomenon, and it is similar in that respect to continuous interactions among variables rather than the single effects of improvement ([2, 21]). variables. Organizational agility is fundamentally related to It was shown in the study that it is imperative to recognize quickness and responsiveness to dealing with environmental the multidimensionality of the dependent which is OV. The changes. ODCs had differential impact on the different dimensions of However organizational resilience is related to dealing to OV. environmental sudden and significant disruption in order to It is evident that the introduction of conceptualizations that survive and prosper. Resilience reaches far beyond risk seem compelling is not as useful as empirically testing the management toward having a comprehensive view of and conceptualization. The testing of the ODCs conceptualization capabilities to maintain the organization health and success. introduced in the study shed light on the complexity of the The pillars of human resources empowerment are related relationships among the ODCs. The resilience acted as a to trusting qualified and highly competent human resources, moderator for the relationship between agility and OV; while who have the decision making authority to make proper and human resources empowerment acted as a moderator of the quick responses within their respective domain of relationship between agility and OV. responsibility. The results of the study suggest that organizations should The study has conceptual and practical imprecations. On tackle the challenge of creating and adopting a the conceptual side the implications. It seems that The ODCs multidimensional organizational culture that support conceptualizations help in grouping important variables simultaneously agility, resilience and human resources together that interact and improve the predictability and empowerment. 49 Mahmoud Abdelaziz Elgamal: Dynamic Organizational Capabilities: The Joint Effect of Agility, Resilience and Empowerment Empowerment. http://www. of- employee -empowerment- 1918658. References [12] Helfat constance E. & Peteraf, Margaret, A (2009). [1] Alhadid Anasy. (2016). The Effect of Organization Agility on Understanding Dynamic Capabilities: progress Along a Organization Performance International Review of Developmental Path Strategic Organization, Volume 9, issue Management Business Research, Volume 5, Issue 1. 1. [2] Alzoobi, A. E., Al-otoun, F. J. & Albatainh. (2011). Factors [13] Kerr Howard. (2016). 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Dynamic Organizational Capabilities: The Joint Effect of Agility, Resilience and Empowerment

Journal of Human Resource ManagementJan 1, 2018

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Journal of Human Resource Management 2018; 6(2): 44-49 doi: 10.11648/j.jhrm.20180602.11 ISSN: 2331-0707 (Print); ISSN: 2331-0715 (Online) Dynamic Organizational Capabilities: The Joint Effect of Agility, Resilience and Empowerment Mahmoud Abdelaziz Elgamal Management and Marketing Department, Kuwait University, Kuwait Email address: To cite this article: Mahmoud Abdelaziz Elgamal. Dynamic Organizational Capabilities: The Joint Effect of Agility, Resilience and Empowerment. Journal of Human Resource Management. Vol. 6, No. 2, 2018, pp. 44-49. doi: 10.11648/j.jhrm.20180602.11 Received: May 15, 2018; Accepted: June 14, 2018; Published: July 10, 2018 Abstract: The paper presents a model of Dynamic Organizational Capabilities (ODCs). The capabilities included are organizational agility, Organizational resilience and human resources empowerment. These capabilities were selected based on reviews of the literature, which showed the potency of these capabilities in terms of their single and joint impact over organizational vitality (OV). The paper went beyond providing a conceptualization of ODCs, to provide an empirical test of it. The model was tested using regression analysis. The results show that validity of the proposed ODC model. The organizational resilience acted as a moderator of the relationship between organization agility and OV. Thus the organizational resilience interaction with organization agility improved significantly the variance explained in OV. On the other hand human resources empowerment acted as a mediator between organizational agility and OV. The conceptual and empirical implications of the results are discussed and the limitations of the study noted, future research direction were pointed at. Keywords: Dynamic Organization Capabilities, Organizational Agility, Organizational Resilience, Human Resources Empowerment, Organizational Vitality 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review The current study is following the lead of several scholars The review of the literature indicate that the work in the who introduced the conceptualization of Dynamic area of ODCs remain mostly conceptual and focusing on the Managerial capabilities [19]. Specifically this study is foundational level of analysis, and that there is scarcity in the introducing the conceptualization of Dynamic Organizational empirical work reported in the literature [19]. The literature Capabilities (ODCs). These capabilities explain how is characterized as being theoretical rather than empirical. organizations can survive and sustain competitive advantages And most of the studies introduced one capability and by responding to environmental change, and by creating theorized about its impact over the organization performance. favorable environmental changes [19]. The domain of DOCs Many studies explored the construct of organizational is wide and complex. It covers strategic issues, organization agility and proposed a positive impact over OV (i.e. ([1, 3, vision, organization design, interactions with the 9]). Other stream of research focused on organizational environment and environmental change. resilience (i.e. [12-17]). Yet some other research focused on There are different versions of ODCs [19]. Sune and Gibb other ODCs, for example Goodman introduced engagement introduced a set of ODCs including adding, transferring, as an important variable for organizational vitality [8]. Many integrating and shedding and two higher – order capability, studies examined the impact of human resources goal development and change orchestration [18]. The current empowerment (i.e. [20, 11]). study advances a specific set of ODCs, that includes Other studies explored the interaction of agility, resilience organizational agility, organizational resilience and human and green. This was explored conceptually. Alhadid [1] resources empowerment. Reviews of the literature indicate examined the Joint effect of resilience capacity and strategic that the above named variables are dominant in the main agility and on organization thriving. The examination was at literature streams ([5, 12, 1]). 45 Mahmoud Abdelaziz Elgamal: Dynamic Organizational Capabilities: The Joint Effect of Agility, Resilience and Empowerment the conceptual level. Carvalho [6] examined the simultaneous 3. Data and Methodology deployment of agile and resilient approaches impact over the 3.1. Objectives supply chain performance and competitiveness using a conceptual level. The study has two fold objectives as follows: Yet very few empirical studies reported, notably the study i. To advance a specific set of ODCs, based on extensive Sure and Gibb [18]. Which explored the pattern of review of the literature. The set includes organizational organizational change empirically. The current study agility, organizational resilience and human resources advances conceptualizations of ODCs that include three very empowerment the dependent variable is organization frequently reported variables; namely organizational agility, vitality (OV). organization resilience and human resources empowerment. ii. To test the validity of the proposed ODCs in terms of The current study goes beyond introducing a their Join impact over OV. conceptualization of ODCs to testing empirically the proposed model. 3.2. The Study Model The following figure (Figure 1) depicts the study model Figure 1. The Study Model. The definitions of the Model variables are as follows stakeholders, and relevant communities, which results in the Organizational Agility organization remaining viable and stable overtime ([4, 8, 17, Agility is the ability of an organization to renew itself, 22]). The OV has three major dimensions as follows adapt, change quickly and succeed in a rapidly changing, Structure ambiguous, turbulent environment ([3, 14, 9, 6]). Structure measures the strength of the systems that are Organization Resilience currently in place, if policies and procedures line up with An organization’s resilience captures its ability to take organizational needs, and if departmental expectations and situation – specific robust, transformative actions when job duties are clear. People need to know what is expected, confronted with unexpected and powerful events that have the what their role in the organization is, and just how the potential to jeopardize an organization’s long term survival [7, organization is managed. 14, 17]). It is worth noting that resilience is distinguished from Direction agility; because it deals with powerful, significant changes that Direction focuses on the strategy and vision that the threatens the organizations life ([11, 13, 20]). leadership of an organization creates and promotes Empowerment throughout the organization. People need to have a clear Empowerment is a pillar that describes the relationship roadmap of the future of their organization and understand between leadership and employees through, authority, how they will reach significant milestones. Direction is autonomy and other factors. It refers to the degree with strengthened when there is a unified strategy and vision that which the powers of organizational leaders and lower – level all staff are connected and committed to carrying. employees are distributed, separated or shared ([11, 13, 20]). Stability Organizational Vitality (OV) Stability zeros in on an organization’s ability to attract, OV is defined as the degree to which an organization has hire, and retain top talent. It also gives a clear picture of how continually been successful in meeting performance effectively the organization comes together when challenges expectation in the eyes of its customer, employees, arise, if change is managed effectively, and whether or not Journal of Human Resource Management 2018; 6(2): 44-49 46 employees feel the organization provides adequate support to 4. Results truly be successful. People need to know that they are not on The descriptive statistics and reliability analysis of a “sinking ship” and that they have what it takes to succeed. Cronbach Alpha are depicted in table 1. The reliability It is to be noted that the study model above, proposes a analysis indicates that Cronbach Alpha for the study variables direct impact of organizational agility on OV, as well as ranged from .78 to .96, which shows acceptable levels of indirect impact. The latter is through the impact of the reliabilities. interaction between organizational agility and organizational resilience and the interaction between organizational agility Table 1. Descriptive Statistics & Reliability Analysis. and empowerment on OV. STD Cronback Variables N Mean Deviation Alpha 3.3. Hypotheses Responsiveness 177 4.78 1.18 .88 The study advances three hypotheses: Quickness 176 4.43 1.15 .88 Organization Resilience 177 5.74 .97 .89 i. The Join effect of organizational agility and Empowerment 177 5.52 .86 .78 organizational resilience has significant impact over OV. Direction 177 4.61 1.43 .91 ii. The Joint effect of organizational agility and human Structure 174 5.00 1.19 .96 resources empowerment has significant impact over OV. Stability 177 5.27 1.30 .82 iii. The Joint effect of organizational agility and The results of the regression analysis will be discussed, organizational resilience and human resources under the three following subheadings: empowerment has significant impact over OV. 1) The interaction between organizational agility and 3.4. Data organizational resilience. 2) The interaction between organizational agility and After developing the proposed conceptual model based on human resources empowerment. the literature reviews, the stage was set to empirically test the 3) The interaction among organizational agility, proposed model. Data were collected using a seven point organizational resilience and human resources likert type scale questionnaire. The subjects were empowerment. professionals and human resources staff working in 19 1. Regression analysis results of the interaction between Kuwaiti organizations. These organizations are operating in organizational agility and organizational resilience. the fields of financial services and IT. The number of The results of regression analysis in terms of the variance respondents is 177 subjects. They were select based on their explained of OV is depicted in figure 2. As the values of the tenure that is the subjects have to have minimum two years adjusted R-square show, the interaction between experience in their respective organizations. This condition organizational agility and organizational resilience. The was set to ensure the familiaityr of the subjects within their interaction effect improved significantly the values of the respecedt organizations. variance explained. Values are the adjusted R-Square. Figure 2. The summary of Regression Analysis Results. The impact of organizational agility on organization vitality & The Joint impact of organizational agility and organization resilience on Organization vitality. 47 Mahmoud Abdelaziz Elgamal: Dynamic Organizational Capabilities: The Joint Effect of Agility, Resilience and Empowerment The following Table (Table 2) depicts the values of Betas for the three OV dimensions Table 2. The Impact of the Interaction of Organization Agility and Resilience on Organization Vitality. Direction Structure Stability Independent Variables Standardized Coefficients Beta Sig Standardized Coefficients Beta Sig Standardized Coefficients Beta Sig Constant ---- .0001 .002 .0001 Agility -.098 .166 .21 .03 .13 .001 Resilience -.73 .0001 -.01 .88 -.40 .0001 AgilityResilience 1.48 .0001 .52 .001 1.17 .0001 Adjusted .73 .47 .92 The above table shows that there is a significant it was also true. The variance explained by the organizational interaction between organizational agility and resilience, agility is .69 while the interaction between organizational where all the Betas of the interactions are significant. agility and organizational resilience explained .86 of the Specifically, it was found that organizational resilience acts variance. as a moderator between agility and OV. Where a moderator The above results lend support to the hypothesis 1. That variable is defined as a third variable that affects the strength states the joint effect of organizational agility and of the relationship between an independent and dependent organizational resilience has significant impact over OV. variables (Hayes, 2013). The interaction is shown to improve 2. Regression analysis results of the interaction between the values of the variance explained significantly in OV organizational agility and human resources dimension. Namely for the direction the variance explained empowerment. The result of the regression analysis in by the organizational agility (the adjusted R-square) is .46, terms of the variance explained in OV is depicted in while the interaction between organizational agility and figure 3 As the values of the adjusted R-square shows, organizational resilience explained .61 of the variance. The the interaction between organizational agility and same is True of the OV dimension of structure. The variance human resources did not improve the variance explained by the organizational agility is .41, while the explained in OV. The interaction did not improve the interaction between organizational agility and organizational variance explained in OV for any of the OV resilience explained .46. As of the OV dimension of stability dimensions Values are the adjusted R-Square. Figure 3. The summary of Regression Analysis Results. The impact of organizational agility on organization vitality & The Joint impact of organizational agility and Empowerment on Organization vitality. The following Table (Table 3) depicts the values of Betas for the three OV dimensions Journal of Human Resource Management 2018; 6(2): 44-49 48 Table 3. The Impact of the Interaction of Organization Agility and Resilience on Organization Vitality. Independent Direction Structure Stability Variables Standardized Coefficients Beta Sig Standardized Coefficients Beta Sig Standardized Coefficients Beta Sig Constant .01 .001 Agility .58 .0001 .45 .0001 .65 .0001 Resilience .00 .998 -.09 ..33 -.26 .0001 AgilityEmpowerment .18 .16 .40 .001 .49 .0001 Adjusted .48 .47 .75 The above Table shows that there is significant interaction understanding of the dependent variable. In addition the between organizational agility and human resources interactions among the dimension of ODCs may have empowerment for two of the Betas namely for the OV different types. For instance in the current study, it was found dimensions of structure and stability specifically it was found that variables may act as moderators, or mediators. One can that the human resources empowerment acts as a mediator say also that The interaction between/ among variables of between organizational agility and OV. The mediator is ODCs may have differential impact on the dimensions of the defined as a variable that affects another variable, which in dependent variable. turn affects the dependent variable (Hayes, 2013). That is The practical implications It is suggested that human resources empowerment contributes to organizational Organizations should strive to build a multi-dimensional agility, which in turn contributes to OV. culture that accepts different but related variables such as The above results lend support to the hypothesis 2. That agility, resilience, and empowerment. As well Organizations states the joint should build resilience capabilities to survive in the very Effect of organizational agility and human resources turbulent and surprising environment. It is also suggested that empowerment has significant impact over OV. Organizations should make human resources The study did not include the results of the Joint empowerment a deep rooted practice. interaction of organizational agility, organizational resilience The limitations of the study include using perceptual data and human resources empowerment, simply because of the only and method to measure the independent and dependent fact that resilience and empowerment are having different variable. So it is subject to are method bias. The future relationships with organizational agility, the first acts as a research should Use hard data to measure organization moderator and the second acts as a mediator. vitality. And should also include other ODCs in addition to the ones used in the current study such as engagement. 5. Discussion 6. Conclusion The conceptualization of the DOCs, seem to be very promising since it groups together related important variables The study provided some evidence of the to improve the predictability of OV. The study attempted to conceptualization of ODCs; which is based on having a go beyond advancing a conceptualization of ODCs, by number of constructs that are related ,reinforcing and providing an empirical test for it which is very required complementary in terms of explaining OV. The focus of the research effort [18]. The review of the literature indicate that ODCs conceptualization is on the interactions. In the real agility is an ongoing processes. It is an evolving organizational life the main concern is focused on the phenomenon, and it is similar in that respect to continuous interactions among variables rather than the single effects of improvement ([2, 21]). variables. Organizational agility is fundamentally related to It was shown in the study that it is imperative to recognize quickness and responsiveness to dealing with environmental the multidimensionality of the dependent which is OV. The changes. ODCs had differential impact on the different dimensions of However organizational resilience is related to dealing to OV. environmental sudden and significant disruption in order to It is evident that the introduction of conceptualizations that survive and prosper. Resilience reaches far beyond risk seem compelling is not as useful as empirically testing the management toward having a comprehensive view of and conceptualization. The testing of the ODCs conceptualization capabilities to maintain the organization health and success. introduced in the study shed light on the complexity of the The pillars of human resources empowerment are related relationships among the ODCs. The resilience acted as a to trusting qualified and highly competent human resources, moderator for the relationship between agility and OV; while who have the decision making authority to make proper and human resources empowerment acted as a moderator of the quick responses within their respective domain of relationship between agility and OV. responsibility. The results of the study suggest that organizations should The study has conceptual and practical imprecations. On tackle the challenge of creating and adopting a the conceptual side the implications. 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Published: Jan 1, 2018

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