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Partisan Change in Southern State Legislatures, 1953–2013

Partisan Change in Southern State Legislatures, 1953–2013 South Polls b y C h r i s t o ph e r A . C o o pe r A n d h. Gibbs Knotts The partisan transformation in the South coincided with, and was certainly influenced by, the modern Civil Rights Movement and the substantial increase in African American political participation following the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Likewise, landmark Supreme Court rulings in the 1960s affirming "one person, one vote" helped shift the power in state legislatures away from rural areas toward urban and suburban locales. President Lyndon Johnson, Ralph Abernathy, Martin Luther King Jr., and Rosa Parks at the signing of the Voting Rights Act on August 6, 1965. Photograph by Yoichi R. Okamoto, Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum. You don't have to be a historian, a political scientist, or even a particularly astute political observer to know that the South has moved from one-party Democratic control to a competitive and increasingly Republican region.1 Although this basic storyline is well known by folks on both sides of the Mason­Dixon Line, the picture becomes a good deal muddier from there. There is a healthy debate about how quickly this partisan shift occurred, why it Southern Cultures University of North Carolina Press

Partisan Change in Southern State Legislatures, 1953–2013

Southern Cultures , Volume 20 (2) – May 11, 2014

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University of North Carolina Press
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South Polls b y C h r i s t o ph e r A . C o o pe r A n d h. Gibbs Knotts The partisan transformation in the South coincided with, and was certainly influenced by, the modern Civil Rights Movement and the substantial increase in African American political participation following the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Likewise, landmark Supreme Court rulings in the 1960s affirming "one person, one vote" helped shift the power in state legislatures away from rural areas toward urban and suburban locales. President Lyndon Johnson, Ralph Abernathy, Martin Luther King Jr., and Rosa Parks at the signing of the Voting Rights Act on August 6, 1965. Photograph by Yoichi R. Okamoto, Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum. You don't have to be a historian, a political scientist, or even a particularly astute political observer to know that the South has moved from one-party Democratic control to a competitive and increasingly Republican region.1 Although this basic storyline is well known by folks on both sides of the Mason­Dixon Line, the picture becomes a good deal muddier from there. There is a healthy debate about how quickly this partisan shift occurred, why it


Southern CulturesUniversity of North Carolina Press

Published: May 11, 2014

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