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Gender Stratification: A Structural Model for Examining Case Examples of Women in Less-Developed Countries

Gender Stratification: A Structural Model for Examining Case Examples of Women in Less-Developed... Gender Stratification A Structural Model for Examining Case Examples of Women in LessDeveloped Countries laurie wermuth and miriam ma'at-ka-re monges Feminist social history and theory have produced an array of approaches for the purpose of deconstructing historical records and theoretical frameworks that previously took for granted the second-class status and cultural insignificance of women. However, tools for systematic comparative analysis have not been fully integrated into the study of women's place across societies and social classes. A structural theory of gender stratification based on the work of Rae Lesser Blumberg and Randall Collins offers tools for the systematic and comparative study of women across societies and periods of history. By "structural" model we mean one that examines the institutional relationships of women and men in the economy, politics, and the family. This structural /materialist approach has remained in the domain of a relatively small group of sociologists and anthropologists for reasons that are not entirely clear. Blumberg, Collins, and others have developed theoretical models for the comparative study of gender equality.1 Relatively greater female control over sexuality and fertility, the timing of marriage, and partner choice reflect more equality. Increasing gender equality is also indicated by women's ability Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies University of Nebraska Press

Gender Stratification: A Structural Model for Examining Case Examples of Women in Less-Developed Countries

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Gender Stratification A Structural Model for Examining Case Examples of Women in LessDeveloped Countries laurie wermuth and miriam ma'at-ka-re monges Feminist social history and theory have produced an array of approaches for the purpose of deconstructing historical records and theoretical frameworks that previously took for granted the second-class status and cultural insignificance of women. However, tools for systematic comparative analysis have not been fully integrated into the study of women's place across societies and social classes. A structural theory of gender stratification based on the work of Rae Lesser Blumberg and Randall Collins offers tools for the systematic and comparative study of women across societies and periods of history. By "structural" model we mean one that examines the institutional relationships of women and men in the economy, politics, and the family. This structural /materialist approach has remained in the domain of a relatively small group of sociologists and anthropologists for reasons that are not entirely clear. Blumberg, Collins, and others have developed theoretical models for the comparative study of gender equality.1 Relatively greater female control over sexuality and fertility, the timing of marriage, and partner choice reflect more equality. Increasing gender equality is also indicated by women's ability


Frontiers: A Journal of Women StudiesUniversity of Nebraska Press

Published: Jan 4, 2002

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