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Ultimate Spiritual Intelligence Test Version 5.1

Ultimate Spiritual Intelligence Test Version 5.1 By Ed Bok Lee elcome. You are an eternal spirit warming, temporarily, all the wondrous contents of your skin. You greatly appreciate this inner, shiny viscera and bone that you are renting. (In fact, do you not daily walk it around, wrapped in tastefully matching colors and fabrics like a Christmas present?) Of course, sometimes it feels like a burden, these contents encased in flesh and hair that you have been charged for the duration of your life to chaperone to and from work, school, restaurants, cinemas, grocery stores, cafés, toilets, etc. Eventually, of course, the body you are inhabiting will break down. You will once again need to travel to a new dimension for recycling. In the meantime, your task is to discover the fundamental reason for why your spiritual essence was placed inside this particular mass of cells you regularly feed, clothe, delude, entertain, bathe, pacify, make love with, chastise, scratch, sabotage, read silently to, inebriate, etc. More specifically, your task is to learn your true and ultimate purpose for being in this particular time and place, before you die. Azalea The stakes are high: Should you fail to learn your true and ultimate purpose for Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature & Culture University of Hawai'I Press

Ultimate Spiritual Intelligence Test Version 5.1

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By Ed Bok Lee elcome. You are an eternal spirit warming, temporarily, all the wondrous contents of your skin. You greatly appreciate this inner, shiny viscera and bone that you are renting. (In fact, do you not daily walk it around, wrapped in tastefully matching colors and fabrics like a Christmas present?) Of course, sometimes it feels like a burden, these contents encased in flesh and hair that you have been charged for the duration of your life to chaperone to and from work, school, restaurants, cinemas, grocery stores, cafés, toilets, etc. Eventually, of course, the body you are inhabiting will break down. You will once again need to travel to a new dimension for recycling. In the meantime, your task is to discover the fundamental reason for why your spiritual essence was placed inside this particular mass of cells you regularly feed, clothe, delude, entertain, bathe, pacify, make love with, chastise, scratch, sabotage, read silently to, inebriate, etc. More specifically, your task is to learn your true and ultimate purpose for being in this particular time and place, before you die. Azalea The stakes are high: Should you fail to learn your true and ultimate purpose for


Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature & CultureUniversity of Hawai'I Press

Published: Apr 22, 2014

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