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The Writer and the Native Tradition: A Conversation

The Writer and the Native Tradition: A Conversation M U H A M M A D H A J I S A L L E H with F . S I O N I L J O S É Born in 1942, Muhammad Haji Salleh is one of Malaysia's best-known authors. He entered the Malay College, Kuala Kangsar, in 1958, where he excelled in the study of English and Malay. In 1970 he became a lecturer at the National University of Malaysia, and for many years he was the director and head of several university departments. In 1977, he was a visiting professor at North Carolina State University, and from 1992 to 1993 was a Fulbright visiting researcher at the University of California at Berkeley. From 1993 to 1994 he was the chair of Malay Studies, Leiden University, the Netherlands. He has also been a fellow at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, and since 2000 has been a professor of the School of Humanities at Science University of Malaysia, Penang. In 1977, his collection of poems Perjalanan Si Tenggang II, which he later translated into English as The Travel Journals of Si Tenggang II, won the asean Literary Award. His only collection of Manoa University of Hawai'I Press

The Writer and the Native Tradition: A Conversation

Manoa , Volume 18 (1) – Aug 3, 2006

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M U H A M M A D H A J I S A L L E H with F . S I O N I L J O S É Born in 1942, Muhammad Haji Salleh is one of Malaysia's best-known authors. He entered the Malay College, Kuala Kangsar, in 1958, where he excelled in the study of English and Malay. In 1970 he became a lecturer at the National University of Malaysia, and for many years he was the director and head of several university departments. In 1977, he was a visiting professor at North Carolina State University, and from 1992 to 1993 was a Fulbright visiting researcher at the University of California at Berkeley. From 1993 to 1994 he was the chair of Malay Studies, Leiden University, the Netherlands. He has also been a fellow at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, and since 2000 has been a professor of the School of Humanities at Science University of Malaysia, Penang. In 1977, his collection of poems Perjalanan Si Tenggang II, which he later translated into English as The Travel Journals of Si Tenggang II, won the asean Literary Award. His only collection of


ManoaUniversity of Hawai'I Press

Published: Aug 3, 2006

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