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The Face of the Earth: Environment and World History (review)

The Face of the Earth: Environment and World History (review) Book Reviews The Face of the Earth: Environment and World History. Edited by j . donald hughes. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1999. Pp. xiv + 192. $21.95 (paper). The Face of theEarth focuses on changes in the environment through history and how these changes have influenced and changed civilization and culture. Editor J. Donald Hughes states ". . . Environments are porous and pervasive. . . . The atmosphere, the oceans, the resources of the earth form the only common legacy of world history" (p. ix). This important collection of essays questions the value of linear progress -- or development--advancing that some technological advances and cultural intrusions have eroded the environment to the extent that great civilizations have fallen. Mohenjo-daro in the early Indus River valley is a case in point: its inhabitants denuded the landscape of timber to produce kiln-fired bricks, causing erosion and eventually a total collapse of civilization. The book's central thesis is that historians can no longer ignore environmental history as environmental sustainability or degradation of ecosystems can make or break world cultures, civilizations, and mankind in the future just as it has in the past. We can no longer count upon Journal of World History University of Hawai'I Press

The Face of the Earth: Environment and World History (review)

Journal of World History , Volume 13 (2) – Oct 1, 2002

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University of Hawai'I Press
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Book Reviews The Face of the Earth: Environment and World History. Edited by j . donald hughes. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1999. Pp. xiv + 192. $21.95 (paper). The Face of theEarth focuses on changes in the environment through history and how these changes have influenced and changed civilization and culture. Editor J. Donald Hughes states ". . . Environments are porous and pervasive. . . . The atmosphere, the oceans, the resources of the earth form the only common legacy of world history" (p. ix). This important collection of essays questions the value of linear progress -- or development--advancing that some technological advances and cultural intrusions have eroded the environment to the extent that great civilizations have fallen. Mohenjo-daro in the early Indus River valley is a case in point: its inhabitants denuded the landscape of timber to produce kiln-fired bricks, causing erosion and eventually a total collapse of civilization. The book's central thesis is that historians can no longer ignore environmental history as environmental sustainability or degradation of ecosystems can make or break world cultures, civilizations, and mankind in the future just as it has in the past. We can no longer count upon


Journal of World HistoryUniversity of Hawai'I Press

Published: Oct 1, 2002

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