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The Atlantic Economy during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: Organization, Operation, Practice, and Personnel (review)

The Atlantic Economy during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: Organization, Operation,... Book Reviews length from about five hundred words to more than four thousand words. Each entry captures the distinctive style of the 330 contributors who represent multiple disciplines, but, more importantly, each entry reflects the philosophy underlying this encyclopedia. For example, the entry "Enlightenment," a traditional European-centered subject, is thoughtfully transformed by the author into a subject that, while remaining at heart a European phenomenon, is also clearly connected to the wider, non-European world. More than five hundred sidebars accompany the entries, frequently featuring extracts from primary sources. Maps, illustrations, and photos further enhance the usefulness of many of the entries. Equally commendable is the practice of having each entry signed by its author, who also had to supply an up-to-date bibliography. Given the selective nature of the entries chosen for inclusion, not everyone will agree with the topics deemed worthy of inclusion or exclusion, but taken as a whole the Berkshire Encyclopedia is an extremely useful work. It currently sets the bar for all other works with ambitions to be truly global encyclopedias of world history. The publishers of the Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History should now follow the path blazed by other encyclopedia publishers, most of Journal of World History University of Hawai'I Press

The Atlantic Economy during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: Organization, Operation, Practice, and Personnel (review)

Journal of World History , Volume 18 (2) – Jul 3, 2007

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University of Hawai'I Press
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Book Reviews length from about five hundred words to more than four thousand words. Each entry captures the distinctive style of the 330 contributors who represent multiple disciplines, but, more importantly, each entry reflects the philosophy underlying this encyclopedia. For example, the entry "Enlightenment," a traditional European-centered subject, is thoughtfully transformed by the author into a subject that, while remaining at heart a European phenomenon, is also clearly connected to the wider, non-European world. More than five hundred sidebars accompany the entries, frequently featuring extracts from primary sources. Maps, illustrations, and photos further enhance the usefulness of many of the entries. Equally commendable is the practice of having each entry signed by its author, who also had to supply an up-to-date bibliography. Given the selective nature of the entries chosen for inclusion, not everyone will agree with the topics deemed worthy of inclusion or exclusion, but taken as a whole the Berkshire Encyclopedia is an extremely useful work. It currently sets the bar for all other works with ambitions to be truly global encyclopedias of world history. The publishers of the Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History should now follow the path blazed by other encyclopedia publishers, most of


Journal of World HistoryUniversity of Hawai'I Press

Published: Jul 3, 2007

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