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Facing Each Other: The World's Perception of Europe and Europe's Perception of the World (review)

Facing Each Other: The World's Perception of Europe and Europe's Perception of the World (review) journal of world history, fall 2002 and workers, casual laborers and destitutes, who fill the pavements and slums of Calcutta as much as they inhabit the villages of plains and hills in the countryside; or for the Muslims against whom--as whose Other --"modern Bengal" dreamt itself up. What would it require, in the way of social location, political hopes, academic training, and so on, to produce a history of historical, political, social, cultural difference within Bengal /India? Reading Provincializing Europe, I wondered also whether the separation of the "universal history of capital" and the "politics of human belonging" does sufficient justice to the enchantment of capitalism itself and the many new forms and desires of belonging that it gives rise to. In other words, History 2 is perhaps rather more implicated in History 1 than it is allowed by the simple separation of the "life process" of capitalism from that which does not belong to it--even with the qualification that the latter is not external to the former, but lives in intimate and plural relationships with it. There seems to be another irony here, not unlike the irony that a critique of Enlightenment reason and its aggrandizing history Journal of World History University of Hawai'I Press

Facing Each Other: The World's Perception of Europe and Europe's Perception of the World (review)

Journal of World History , Volume 13 (2) – Oct 1, 2002

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journal of world history, fall 2002 and workers, casual laborers and destitutes, who fill the pavements and slums of Calcutta as much as they inhabit the villages of plains and hills in the countryside; or for the Muslims against whom--as whose Other --"modern Bengal" dreamt itself up. What would it require, in the way of social location, political hopes, academic training, and so on, to produce a history of historical, political, social, cultural difference within Bengal /India? Reading Provincializing Europe, I wondered also whether the separation of the "universal history of capital" and the "politics of human belonging" does sufficient justice to the enchantment of capitalism itself and the many new forms and desires of belonging that it gives rise to. In other words, History 2 is perhaps rather more implicated in History 1 than it is allowed by the simple separation of the "life process" of capitalism from that which does not belong to it--even with the qualification that the latter is not external to the former, but lives in intimate and plural relationships with it. There seems to be another irony here, not unlike the irony that a critique of Enlightenment reason and its aggrandizing history


Journal of World HistoryUniversity of Hawai'I Press

Published: Oct 1, 2002

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