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Excerpt from Boy Genius

Excerpt from Boy Genius By Yongsoo Park Commie Bastard n the beginning there was His Excellency the Most Honorable President Park who created the heavens and the earth and saw that it was good. Then came the dragon, not an overweight Western dragon, but a magnificent fire-breathing dragon of the Orient, born of a snake who, through sheer will and stubbornness, outslithered death for 5,000 years. Nine months before my birth, Father dreamt that just such a dragon soared out of the East Korean Sea, flew six circles above Mount Nam, then disappeared under Mother's satin hanbok. Despite this magnificent vision, little in my first years distinguished me from the other infants in the peninsula. I cried when I was hungry and slept when I was tired. I cherished the warmth of my mother's round nipple; and my first words, like those of every healthy baby in the land, were "Long Live His Excellency the Most Honorable President Park." Everything changed the summer I turned three, when His Excellency launched the Great Search for Genius Campaign. To identify future pillars of society who would help drive communists back to the Yalu, every child from the tiniest hamlet to the largest city was Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature & Culture University of Hawai'I Press

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By Yongsoo Park Commie Bastard n the beginning there was His Excellency the Most Honorable President Park who created the heavens and the earth and saw that it was good. Then came the dragon, not an overweight Western dragon, but a magnificent fire-breathing dragon of the Orient, born of a snake who, through sheer will and stubbornness, outslithered death for 5,000 years. Nine months before my birth, Father dreamt that just such a dragon soared out of the East Korean Sea, flew six circles above Mount Nam, then disappeared under Mother's satin hanbok. Despite this magnificent vision, little in my first years distinguished me from the other infants in the peninsula. I cried when I was hungry and slept when I was tired. I cherished the warmth of my mother's round nipple; and my first words, like those of every healthy baby in the land, were "Long Live His Excellency the Most Honorable President Park." Everything changed the summer I turned three, when His Excellency launched the Great Search for Genius Campaign. To identify future pillars of society who would help drive communists back to the Yalu, every child from the tiniest hamlet to the largest city was


Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature & CultureUniversity of Hawai'I Press

Published: Apr 22, 2014

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