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Beyond Personal Identity: Dogen, Nishida, and a Phenomenology of No-Self (review)

Beyond Personal Identity: Dogen, Nishida, and a Phenomenology of No-Self (review) BOOK REVIEWS Gereon Kopf. Beyond Personal Identity: Dogen, Nishida, and a Phenomenology of ¯ No-Self. Richmond, Surrey, UK: Curzon Press, 2001. Pp. xx þ 298. Reviewed by Steven Heine Florida International University Beyond Personal Identity by Gereon Kopf is in many ways a brilliant work of comparative philosophy that does an outstanding job in taking on the challenge of relating the complex thought of Japanese giants Dogen and Nishida to various ¯ Western conceptions of the person. Kopf succeeds in developing his own philosophical approach to the main issues of nonduality and present-oriented selfawareness, while staying true to the respective thinkers involved in the examination. He is clearly bucking recent trends in the field of Buddhist studies that have emphasized increasingly social-historical methods, but has pulled off a major coup by adhering to his vision of the role of scholarship. Along with Dan Lusthaus' Buddhist Phenomenology: A Philosophical Investigation of Yogacara Buddhism and the Ch'eng Wei-Shih Lun (Curzon, 2003), which deconstructs the issue of idealism, this work goes a along way toward rehabilitating philosophical approaches to Buddhist doctrine by analyzing text as text rather than trying to relate--and in some cases reduce--text to a reflection or expression of Philosophy East and West University of Hawai'I Press

Beyond Personal Identity: Dogen, Nishida, and a Phenomenology of No-Self (review)

Philosophy East and West , Volume 54 (4) – Sep 17, 2004

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BOOK REVIEWS Gereon Kopf. Beyond Personal Identity: Dogen, Nishida, and a Phenomenology of ¯ No-Self. Richmond, Surrey, UK: Curzon Press, 2001. Pp. xx þ 298. Reviewed by Steven Heine Florida International University Beyond Personal Identity by Gereon Kopf is in many ways a brilliant work of comparative philosophy that does an outstanding job in taking on the challenge of relating the complex thought of Japanese giants Dogen and Nishida to various ¯ Western conceptions of the person. Kopf succeeds in developing his own philosophical approach to the main issues of nonduality and present-oriented selfawareness, while staying true to the respective thinkers involved in the examination. He is clearly bucking recent trends in the field of Buddhist studies that have emphasized increasingly social-historical methods, but has pulled off a major coup by adhering to his vision of the role of scholarship. Along with Dan Lusthaus' Buddhist Phenomenology: A Philosophical Investigation of Yogacara Buddhism and the Ch'eng Wei-Shih Lun (Curzon, 2003), which deconstructs the issue of idealism, this work goes a along way toward rehabilitating philosophical approaches to Buddhist doctrine by analyzing text as text rather than trying to relate--and in some cases reduce--text to a reflection or expression of


Philosophy East and WestUniversity of Hawai'I Press

Published: Sep 17, 2004

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