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A grammatical sketch and phonology of Hainan Cham: History, contact and change by Graham Thurgood, Ela Thurgood, and Fengxiang Li (review)

A grammatical sketch and phonology of Hainan Cham: History, contact and change by Graham... 434 OCEANIC LINGUISTICS, VOL. 58, NO. 2 Graham Thurgood, Ela Thurgood, and Fengxiang Li. 2014. A grammatical sketch and phonology of Hainan Cham: History, contact and change. Pacific Linguistics 643. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. xxiv 404 pp. ISBN 978-1-61451-604-0. €99.95/ $114.99/£91.00, hardcover. Readers coming across this book will be startled by the modesty of its title, because it is so much more. It is in fact a summary and collection of all of what is so far known about Hainan Cham, a Chamic language whose speakers have been settled in the far south of Hainan for a little over a thousand years. The Thurgoods and Li (hereafter TTL) have not only assembled a grammatical description (rather than merely a sketch as the title maintains) but also provided a careful study of pho- netics and phonology, including the historical phonology that underlies tonogen- esis of Hainan Cham (hereafter HC, and also known as Tsat, formerly Utsat). Sanya City, at the extreme south of Hainan Province, is the city near which the 5,000 or so speakers of HC live. They are Sunni Muslims who are multi- lingual in HC, Southern Min, the Min variety Mai, and often also Cantonese, Mandarin, and Oceanic Linguistics University of Hawai'I Press

A grammatical sketch and phonology of Hainan Cham: History, contact and change by Graham Thurgood, Ela Thurgood, and Fengxiang Li (review)

Oceanic Linguistics , Volume 58 (2) – Mar 11, 2020

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University of Hawai'I Press
Copyright © 2008 University of Hawai'i Press.


434 OCEANIC LINGUISTICS, VOL. 58, NO. 2 Graham Thurgood, Ela Thurgood, and Fengxiang Li. 2014. A grammatical sketch and phonology of Hainan Cham: History, contact and change. Pacific Linguistics 643. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. xxiv 404 pp. ISBN 978-1-61451-604-0. €99.95/ $114.99/£91.00, hardcover. Readers coming across this book will be startled by the modesty of its title, because it is so much more. It is in fact a summary and collection of all of what is so far known about Hainan Cham, a Chamic language whose speakers have been settled in the far south of Hainan for a little over a thousand years. The Thurgoods and Li (hereafter TTL) have not only assembled a grammatical description (rather than merely a sketch as the title maintains) but also provided a careful study of pho- netics and phonology, including the historical phonology that underlies tonogen- esis of Hainan Cham (hereafter HC, and also known as Tsat, formerly Utsat). Sanya City, at the extreme south of Hainan Province, is the city near which the 5,000 or so speakers of HC live. They are Sunni Muslims who are multi- lingual in HC, Southern Min, the Min variety Mai, and often also Cantonese, Mandarin, and


Oceanic LinguisticsUniversity of Hawai'I Press

Published: Mar 11, 2020

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