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The Country of Memory: Remaking the Past in Late Socialist Vietnam

The Country of Memory: Remaking the Past in Late Socialist Vietnam BOOK REVIEWS But persistent into slow-going. readingwill be rewardedwith insights the powerful interactions betweenmuseumsand memory. these proAs vocativeessays show,the construction memory of happens not onlyin historymuseums but also in exhibitionsof art and natural history. Memory is not confined by national boundaries, but reaches across as space as well as time. Memoryitselfhas a history, do museums.Unwill enrichthe studyand practiceof public these dynamics derstanding history. Villanova University CHARLENE MIRES The Countryof Memory:Remakingthe Past in Late Socialist Vietnam Ho edited by HUE-TAM TAI.Berkeley:University California of Press, notes,glossary, index; 2001; xiv+ 274 pp.; photographs, bibliography, clothbound, $50.00; paperbound,$19.95. has exacted a tremendous Vietnam'stumultuoustwentieth century in and graveyards Vietnam humantoll.The ubiquitouspublic memorials of Colonized by the French at the tell onlypart of the story suffering. the Vietnamese mounteda resistance end of the nineteenthcentury, violentby the 1930s yetproducedfewtangible thatbecame increasingly results. In the early 1940s, Japan wrested control of Vietnam from France, inspiring great hope in 1945 that Japan's defeat would bring Vietnam'sindependence.While Ho Chi Minh establishedan indepenin the dent communist government the north, Frenchset about reestabto lishingcontrolover the south,leading almostinevitably the Francotheircrushing Viet Minh War of 1946-1954. After defeatat Dien Bien of and the character the north-south conflict Phu, the Frenchwithdrew in Vietnambegan The Public Historian University of California Press

The Country of Memory: Remaking the Past in Late Socialist Vietnam

The Public Historian , Volume 24 (4) – Oct 1, 2002

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Copyright 2002 Regents of the University of California and the National Council on Public History
Book Reviews
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BOOK REVIEWS But persistent into slow-going. readingwill be rewardedwith insights the powerful interactions betweenmuseumsand memory. these proAs vocativeessays show,the construction memory of happens not onlyin historymuseums but also in exhibitionsof art and natural history. Memory is not confined by national boundaries, but reaches across as space as well as time. Memoryitselfhas a history, do museums.Unwill enrichthe studyand practiceof public these dynamics derstanding history. Villanova University CHARLENE MIRES The Countryof Memory:Remakingthe Past in Late Socialist Vietnam Ho edited by HUE-TAM TAI.Berkeley:University California of Press, notes,glossary, index; 2001; xiv+ 274 pp.; photographs, bibliography, clothbound, $50.00; paperbound,$19.95. has exacted a tremendous Vietnam'stumultuoustwentieth century in and graveyards Vietnam humantoll.The ubiquitouspublic memorials of Colonized by the French at the tell onlypart of the story suffering. the Vietnamese mounteda resistance end of the nineteenthcentury, violentby the 1930s yetproducedfewtangible thatbecame increasingly results. In the early 1940s, Japan wrested control of Vietnam from France, inspiring great hope in 1945 that Japan's defeat would bring Vietnam'sindependence.While Ho Chi Minh establishedan indepenin the dent communist government the north, Frenchset about reestabto lishingcontrolover the south,leading almostinevitably the Francotheircrushing Viet Minh War of 1946-1954. After defeatat Dien Bien of and the character the north-south conflict Phu, the Frenchwithdrew in Vietnambegan


The Public HistorianUniversity of California Press

Published: Oct 1, 2002

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