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Review: Knowledge Worlds: Media, Materiality, and the Making of the Modern University

Review: Knowledge Worlds: Media, Materiality, and the Making of the Modern University Chapter 9 examines the Chinese ar- sociopolitical history into their architec- Martin’s book is largely a compilation of chitectural presence expressed through tural interpretations. elite genealogies that never stray far from GUANGHUI DING developmental aid in Africa as comple- their settler colonial foundations at institu- Beijing University of Civil Engineering and mentary to architectural reforms within tions such as these, along with other major Architecture research universities and military acade- China. Here Roskam examines three case mies across the continent. There are a few studies—the People’s Palace in Kinshasa, important detours along the way: Martin Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Note the Congo); the Kasarani Sports Com- notes women’s colleges (e.g., Vassar Col- 1. Zhou Buyi, “The Urgent Reform of Architec- plex (now the Moi International Sports lege) for the introduction of the diaries and tural Education,” Architectural Journal, no. 4 Centre) in Nairobi, Kenya; and the bells that codified the schedule of reflec- (1984), 16–21, 52. tion and study, historically Black colleges National Theatre in Accra, Ghana—to and universities (e.g., Tuskegee University) explore how these China-aided buildings for the homemade bricks students pro- functioned in different cultural and socio- Reinhold Martin duced to construct the original buildings, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians University of California Press

Review: Knowledge Worlds: Media, Materiality, and the Making of the Modern University

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Chapter 9 examines the Chinese ar- sociopolitical history into their architec- Martin’s book is largely a compilation of chitectural presence expressed through tural interpretations. elite genealogies that never stray far from GUANGHUI DING developmental aid in Africa as comple- their settler colonial foundations at institu- Beijing University of Civil Engineering and mentary to architectural reforms within tions such as these, along with other major Architecture research universities and military acade- China. Here Roskam examines three case mies across the continent. There are a few studies—the People’s Palace in Kinshasa, important detours along the way: Martin Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Note the Congo); the Kasarani Sports Com- notes women’s colleges (e.g., Vassar Col- 1. Zhou Buyi, “The Urgent Reform of Architec- plex (now the Moi International Sports lege) for the introduction of the diaries and tural Education,” Architectural Journal, no. 4 Centre) in Nairobi, Kenya; and the bells that codified the schedule of reflec- (1984), 16–21, 52. tion and study, historically Black colleges National Theatre in Accra, Ghana—to and universities (e.g., Tuskegee University) explore how these China-aided buildings for the homemade bricks students pro- functioned in different cultural and socio- Reinhold Martin duced to construct the original buildings,


Journal of the Society of Architectural HistoriansUniversity of California Press

Published: Mar 1, 2023

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