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Cormac McCarthy: Prophecy and Metaphysics

Cormac McCarthy: Prophecy and Metaphysics Review Essay Cormac McCarthy Prophecy and Metaphysics Nell Sullivan Nicholas Monk, True and Living Prophet of Destruction: Cormac McCarthy and Modernity. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico P, 2016. 296 pp. Cloth, $65. Petra Mundik, A Bloody and Barbarous God: The Metaphysics of Cormac McCarthy. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico P, 2016. 432 pp. Cloth, $65. Two new books on Cormac McCarthy demonstrate the everbroadening range of critical methodologies his texts invite readers to employ while offering remarkably different, though equally valuable, approaches to McCarthy’s border fiction. In True and Living Prophet of Destruction: Cormac McCarthy and Modernity, Nicholas Monk grounds modernity in Marx, Hegel, and Frankfurt School theorists such as Horkheimer and Adorno to explore its impact on the characters in McCarthy’s Appalachian and border fiction. While evidence of the negative effects of the “modern order” is ubiquitous in McCarthy’s canon, Monk demonstrates that McCarthy does not embrace the Frankfurt School’s cynicism about the power of art to resist that order (17). Instead, McCarthy challenges Eurocentric modernism’s disenchantment of the world through his literary engagement with “animals, the aesthetic, the spiritual, and the broadly ecological” (xvi). Monk’s study includes an introduction followed by twelve chapters arranged thematically, rather Western American Literature The Western Literature Association

Cormac McCarthy: Prophecy and Metaphysics

Western American Literature , Volume 52 (2) – Aug 16, 2017

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Review Essay Cormac McCarthy Prophecy and Metaphysics Nell Sullivan Nicholas Monk, True and Living Prophet of Destruction: Cormac McCarthy and Modernity. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico P, 2016. 296 pp. Cloth, $65. Petra Mundik, A Bloody and Barbarous God: The Metaphysics of Cormac McCarthy. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico P, 2016. 432 pp. Cloth, $65. Two new books on Cormac McCarthy demonstrate the everbroadening range of critical methodologies his texts invite readers to employ while offering remarkably different, though equally valuable, approaches to McCarthy’s border fiction. In True and Living Prophet of Destruction: Cormac McCarthy and Modernity, Nicholas Monk grounds modernity in Marx, Hegel, and Frankfurt School theorists such as Horkheimer and Adorno to explore its impact on the characters in McCarthy’s Appalachian and border fiction. While evidence of the negative effects of the “modern order” is ubiquitous in McCarthy’s canon, Monk demonstrates that McCarthy does not embrace the Frankfurt School’s cynicism about the power of art to resist that order (17). Instead, McCarthy challenges Eurocentric modernism’s disenchantment of the world through his literary engagement with “animals, the aesthetic, the spiritual, and the broadly ecological” (xvi). Monk’s study includes an introduction followed by twelve chapters arranged thematically, rather


Western American LiteratureThe Western Literature Association

Published: Aug 16, 2017

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