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There is a drive to attend to the specific treatment needs of sexual offenders with a learning disability (LD) and increasing recognition of treatment limitations in this group. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)-based sex offender treatment programmes (SOTPs) are being increasingly adapted for the LD population. This review systematically considers the evidence base for LD adapted CBT-based SOTPs. Ten studies together comprising 358 participants were reviewed. LD adapted SOTPs were conducted in prisons, secure settings and in the community. Within-treatment findings generally indicated positive cognitive shift, improvements in victim empathy and increased sexual knowledge on psychometric measures. Whilst findings are encouraging, many of the studies have methodological limitations. In particular, all studies used pre-test post-test study designs lacking control groups therefore restricting the evaluation of treatment outcomes. The LD sex offender literature remains underdeveloped and there is a strong case for further research to establish a valid evidence base for treatment.
Journal of Sexual Aggression – Taylor & Francis
Published: May 3, 2016
Keywords: Learning disabilities; sexual offenders; sex offender treatment programmes
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