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Asahi shimbun no wakamiya yoshibumi shuhitsu no henko
Robert Hoppens (2014)
The 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War and the Transformation of Japan’s Relations with China in Diplomacy and Discourse
Linus Hagström (2012)
‘Power Shift’ in East Asia? A Critical Reappraisal of Narratives on the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands Incident in 2010The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 5
Jiminto: seikento no sanjuhachi nen
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Japan's National Identity and Foreign Policy: Russia as Japan's 'Other'
Michael Boss (1974)
Economic theory of democracyPublic Choice, 19
Okuno hatsugen, senso e no hansei aimai, jimin ni zokushutsu yurusu dojo
Kane ni koronda ka, onna o dakasareta ka: bichu seijika hajikaki genkoroku
Okuno kokudocho chokan ga "taisen de nihon ni shinryaku no ito nashi" to kokkai de kenkai
Shasetsu: senkaku ichinen, amari ni oku o ushinatta
Shucho: chugokujin sencho shakuho, dokomade kuni o otoshimerunoka
Tenseijingo: kyoryu to no tsukiai
Shasetsu: chugoku sencho shakuho, amai gaiko, nigai seiji handan
Shasetsu: kubakucho kotetsu zotto suru jeikan no boso
Nippon wa shinryaku kokka de atta no ka
I. Neumann (1998)
Uses Of The Other: "The East" in European Identity Formation
Kan Naoto dakara chugoku ga tsukeagaru
Shasetsu: nichibei masatsu to nashonarizumu
Shasetsu: nitchu gaiko, doronuma ni wa hairanakattaga
Jigyaku shikan mo yametai! Hannichi teki nihonjin e no kokuhatsujo
Shasetsu: mizou 08 tamogami jiken yonin suru seikai no fucho koso
Norms, identity, and national security in Germany and Japan
C. Rose (1998)
Interpreting History in Sino-Japanese Relations: A Case-Study in Political Decision Making
Shasetsu: kakuryo koryu teishi
Tianmushen junxiong diandao heibai qiwen jiexuan: riben ceng shi qinl€ ue guojia ma
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How New and Assertive Is China's New Assertiveness?International Security, 37
Chugoku ni jubaku sareru nippon, Tokyo: Bungei Shunju
Shasetsu: chugoku no kyoko sochi, rifujin na taio wa yameyo
Seio no nihon tataki ni do tsukiauka
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Tianmushen junxiong diandao heibai qiwen jiexuan: riben ceng shi qinl€
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Sino-Japanese Controversy since the the 1972 Diplomatic NormalizationThe China Quarterly, 124
Saigunbi to nashonarizumu: sengo nippon no boei kan
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The Strange Masochism of the Japanese Right : Redrawing moral boundaries in Sino-Japanese relations
Chugoku ni jubaku sareru nippon: nitchu kankei to rekishi no kessan
Chūgokujin senchō shakuhō, yotō nai ni hihan: “haiboku da” yatō tsuikyū senkaku oki shōtotsu
Kane ni koronda ka, onna o dakasareta ka: bichu seijika hajikaki genkoroku’,WiLL
Peter Katzenstein (1998)
Cultural Norms and National Security: Police and Military in Postwar Japan
Shasetsu: okuno jinin kara nani o manabu ka
Chugoku keizai, koko ga honto ni shinpai da
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Shasetsu: rekishi no chobo ni yuko no moji koso
Maehara bei chu homon: sekinin seito toshite no jikaku o hatashita
Chugokujin sencho shakuho, yoto nai ni hihan
Shasetsu: kakuryo koryu teishi, reiseisa kaku chugoku
Nakasone seiken ka no nitchu kankei: kokaryo, ichi paasento, soshite yasukuni
No” to ieru nippon: shin nichibei kankei no hosaku
Björn Jerdén, Linus Hagström (2012)
Rethinking Japan's China Policy: Japan as an Accommodator in the Rise of China, 1978–2011Journal of East Asian Studies, 12
Meigen ka meigen ka: Abe shusho no 'wana' ni kakatta okada zen fuku sori
Shasetsu: kenka shite koso hajimete
Kaiko heisei 24 nen: rondan "chugoku ron" hanazakari, ukabu nippon no arubeki sugata
S. White (2005)
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Tensei jingo: senkaku shoto meguru "shuku shuku
No" to ieru nippon: shin nichibei kankei no hosaku' in Ishihara Shintaro no shiso to koi
Nihonjin no kyokai: okinawa, ainu, taiwan, chosen shokuminchi shihai kara fukki undo made
Linus Hagström (2015)
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Becoming More Realistic in the Post-Cold War: Japan's Changing Media and Public Opinion on National SecurityJapanese Journal of Political Science, 8
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Japan's Re-emergence as a 'Normal' Military Power
Shinshutsu nippon kigyo wa mata nakasareru
Sino-Japanese controversy since the 1972 diplomatic normalization’, in C. Howe (ed.) China and Japan: History, Trends, and Prospects
Shasetsu: kūbakuchō kōtetsu zotto suru jeikan no bōsō
Robert Hoppens (2012)
Peace through Historical Revisionism Yamamoto Shichihei on Sino-Japanese Relations in the 1970s, 19
Nakasone shot himself in the foot’,Washington
Shasetsu: senkaku to nitchu tairitsu
Shucho: taichu shisei, senkaku no mamori kyoka ga kadai da
Shogo Suzuki (2007)
The importance of ‘Othering’ in China's national identity: Sino-Japanese relations as a stage of identity conflictsThe Pacific Review, 20
Shasetsu: shoi o nokoshite daido o motomeru
Saigunbi to nashonarizumu: sengo nippon no boei kan, Tokyo: Kodansha
Linus Hagström, Björn Jerdén (2010)
Understanding fluctuations in Sino-Japanese relations : to politicize or to de-politicize the China issue in the Japanese dietPacific Affairs, 83
Asahi shimbun no wakamiya yoshibumi shuhitsu no henko o tadasu
Nakasone shot himself in the foot
Chugoku ni jubaku sareru nippon: nitchu kankei to rekishi
Shinrai kankei o do kochiku suruka
AbstractSince 1945, the United States (US) has served as a focal point of both Left-wing and Right-wing Japanese nationalism. Both sides argued that the US was an arrogant hegemon that unjustly robbed Japan of its autonomy, and prevented Japan from achieving its own ideal national identity. Both sides frequently demanded that Japan should be more ‘resolute’ and resist unfair demands emanating from the US. In recent years, however, both camps are increasingly using the same rhetoric to criticise the Japanese government's China policy. China is also being depicted as an overbearing state that unfairly browbeats Japan into making diplomatic concessions. Given the similarities between the portrayal of China and the US, has China now become a nationalist focal point for both the Japanese Left and Right? Utilising constructivist insights, this article seeks to shed light on this question, by examining how the Japanese Right and Left portray China, and explores the implications for Japan's China policy.
The Pacific Review – Taylor & Francis
Published: Jan 1, 2015
Keywords: nationalism; China; Japan; Sino-Japanese relations; identity
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