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The Poisson inverse Gaussian (PIG) generalized linear regression model for analyzing motor vehicle crash data

The Poisson inverse Gaussian (PIG) generalized linear regression model for analyzing motor... This article documents the application of the Poisson inverse Gaussian (PIG) regression model for modeling motor vehicle crash data. The PIG distribution, which mixes the Poisson distribution and inverse Gaussian distribution, has the potential for modeling highly dispersed count data due to the flexibility of inverse Gaussian distribution. The objectives of this article were to evaluate the application of PIG regression model for analyzing motor vehicle crash data and compare the results with negative binomial (NB) model, especially when varying dispersion parameter is introduced. To accomplish these objectives, NB and PIG models were developed with fixed and varying dispersion parameters and compared using two data sets. The results of this study show that PIG models perform better than the NB models in terms of goodness-of-fit statistics. Moreover, the PIG model can perform as well as the NB model in capturing the variance of crash data. Lastly, PIG models demonstrate almost the same prediction performance compared to NB models. Considering the simple form of PIG model and its easiness of applications, PIG model could be used as a potential alternative to the NB model for analyzing crash data. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security Taylor & Francis

The Poisson inverse Gaussian (PIG) generalized linear regression model for analyzing motor vehicle crash data

18 pages

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Taylor & Francis
Copyright © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC and The University of Tennessee
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This article documents the application of the Poisson inverse Gaussian (PIG) regression model for modeling motor vehicle crash data. The PIG distribution, which mixes the Poisson distribution and inverse Gaussian distribution, has the potential for modeling highly dispersed count data due to the flexibility of inverse Gaussian distribution. The objectives of this article were to evaluate the application of PIG regression model for analyzing motor vehicle crash data and compare the results with negative binomial (NB) model, especially when varying dispersion parameter is introduced. To accomplish these objectives, NB and PIG models were developed with fixed and varying dispersion parameters and compared using two data sets. The results of this study show that PIG models perform better than the NB models in terms of goodness-of-fit statistics. Moreover, the PIG model can perform as well as the NB model in capturing the variance of crash data. Lastly, PIG models demonstrate almost the same prediction performance compared to NB models. Considering the simple form of PIG model and its easiness of applications, PIG model could be used as a potential alternative to the NB model for analyzing crash data.


Journal of Transportation Safety & SecurityTaylor & Francis

Published: Jan 2, 2016

Keywords: Poisson-inverse Gaussian; Poisson-gamma; generalized linear model; traffic crashes

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