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D. Reid (2002)
The use of virtual reality to improve upper-extremity efficiency skills in children with cerebral palsy: A pilot studyTechnology and Disability, 14
S. Yalon-Chamovitz, P. Weiss (2008)
Virtual reality as a leisure activity for young adults with physical and intellectual disabilities.Research in developmental disabilities, 29 3
D. Reid (2005)
Correlation of the Pediatric Volitional Questionnaire with the Test of Playfulness in a virtual environment: the power of engagementEarly Child Development and Care, 175
M. Brien, H. Sveistrup (2011)
An Intensive Virtual Reality Program Improves Functional Balance and Mobility of Adolescents With Cerebral PalsyPediatric Physical Therapy, 23
G. Fulk (2005)
Locomotor training and virtual reality-based balance training for an individual with multiple sclerosis: a case report.Journal of neurologic physical therapy : JNPT, 29 1
H. Sveistrup (2004)
Motor rehabilitation using virtual realityJournal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 1
D. Reid, Tasneem Hirji (2003)
The Influence of a Virtual Reality Leisure Intervention Program on the Motivation of Older Adult Stroke Survivors: A Pilot StudyPhysical & Occupational Therapy In Geriatrics, 21
Considering the potential within the study design, were appropriate methods for controlling confounding variables and limiting potential biases used? c SSRD Conduct Questions
M. Thornton, S. Marshall, J. McComas, H. Finestone, A. McCormick, H. Sveistrup (2005)
Benefits of activity and virtual reality based balance exercise programmes for adults with traumatic brain injury: Perceptions of participants and their caregiversBrain Injury, 19
A. Rizzo, J. Buckwalter, U. Neumann (1997)
Virtual Reality and Cognitive Rehabilitation: A Brief Review of the FutureJournal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 12
R. Kizony, L. Raz, N. Katz, H. Weingarden, P. Weiss (2005)
Video-capture virtual reality system for patients with paraplegic spinal cord injury.Journal of rehabilitation research and development, 42 5
M. Thornton (2004)
Balance training using virtual reality as compared to an activity-based exercise program for adults with traumatic brain injury
M. Lotan, S. Yalon-Chamovitz, P. Weiss (2009)
Lessons learned towards a best practices model of virtual reality intervention for individuals with intellectual and developmental disability2009 Virtual Rehabilitation International Conference
D. Rand, R. Kizony, U. Feintuch, N. Katz, N. Josman, A. Rizzo, P. Weiss (2005)
Comparison of Two VR Platforms for Rehabilitation: Video Capture versus HMDPresence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, 14
J. McComas, H. Sveistrup (2002)
Virtual Reality Applications for Prevention, Disability Awareness, and Physical Therapy Rehabilitation in Neurology: Our Recent WorkNeurology Report, 26
M. Brien, H. Sveistrup (2010)
Poster 131: An Intensive Virtual Reality Program Impoves Balance and Functional Mobility of Adolescents With Cerebral PalsyArchives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91
Was the type of SSRD clearly and correctly stated, for example, A-B, multiple baseline across subjects?
Ankle muscle activation of children with cerebral palsy exercising in virtual (VR) versus physical environments
Yong Kim, M. Chun, G. Yun, Young-jin Song, H. Young (2011)
The Effect of Virtual Reality Training on Unilateral Spatial Neglect in Stroke PatientsAnnals of Rehabilitation Medicine, 35
M. Lotan, S. Yalon-Chamovitz, P. Weiss (2010)
Virtual reality as means to improve physical fitness of individuals at a severe level of intellectual and developmental disability.Research in developmental disabilities, 31 4
M. Holden (2005)
Virtual Environments for Motor Rehabilitation: ReviewCyberpsychology & behavior : the impact of the Internet, multimedia and virtual reality on behavior and society, 8 3
Jennifer Smith, D. Hebert, D. Reid (2007)
Exploring the effects of virtual reality on unilateral neglect caused by stroke: Four case studiesTechnology and Disability, 19
L. Wiart, Kat Kolaski, C. Butler, L. Vogtle, L. Logan, Robbin Hickman, J. Romeiser, L. Samson-Fang, C. Matsuba, MICAH Baird, L. Roxborough, T. Mayson, I. Dinu (2012)
Interrater reliability and convergent validity of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine methodology for conducting systematic reviewsDevelopmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 54
Virtual reality and conventional exercise programs improve balance and mobility in community living adults with traumatic brain injury (unpublished data
S. Schneiberg, P. Mckinley, H. Sveistrup, E. Gisel, N. Mayo, M. Levin (2010)
The effectiveness of task‐oriented intervention and trunk restraint on upper limb movement quality in children with cerebral palsyDevelopmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 52
D. Levac, H. Colquhoun, K. O’Brien (2010)
Scoping studies: advancing the methodologyImplementation Science : IS, 5
Were inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study population well described and followed?
D. Rand, N. Katz, P. Weiss (2009)
Intervention using the VMall for improving motor and functional ability of the upper extremity in post stroke participants.European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 45 1
Christopher Chan, E. Ngai, Paul Leung, Stephen Wong (2009)
Effect of the adapted virtual reality cognitive training program among Chinese older adults with chronic schizophrenia: a pilot studyInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 25
D. Rand, N. Katz, Patrice Weiss (2007)
Evaluation of virtual shopping in the VMall: Comparison of post-stroke participants to healthy control groupsDisability and Rehabilitation, 29
C. Bryanton, J. Bossé, M. Brien, J. McLean, A. McCormick, H. Sveistrup (2006)
Feasibility, Motivation, and Selective Motor Control: Virtual Reality Compared to Conventional Home Exercise in Children with Cerebral PalsyCyberpsychology & behavior : the impact of the Internet, multimedia and virtual reality on behavior and society, 9 2
P. Weiss, H. Sveistrup, D. Rand, R. Kizony (2009)
Video capture virtual reality: A decade of rehabilitation assessment and interventionPhysical Therapy Reviews, 14
Did the authors conduct and report appropriate statistical evaluation including power calculations? Both parts of the question need to be met to score 'yes
F. Mikami, H. Miyazaki, T. Nanba, M. Morito, S. Odagiri, M. Iwado, Y. Takei (2016)
Understanting method of the autistic spectrum using International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health-Children & Youth Version (ICF-CY)Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 36
D. Rand, Soraya Rukan, Patrice Weiss, N. Katz (2009)
Validation of the Virtual MET as an assessment tool for executive functionsNeuropsychological Rehabilitation, 19
D. Reid (2004)
A Model of Playfulness and Flow in Virtual Reality InteractionsPresence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, 13
S. Kirshner, P. Weiss, E. Tirosh (2011)
Meal-Maker: a virtual meal preparation environment for children with cerebral palsyEuropean Journal of Special Needs Education, 26
J. Lussier, J. Auer (1961)
University of Ottawa.Canadian Medical Association journal, 84 13
P. Brown, K. Brunnhuber, K. Chalkidou, I. Chalmers, M. Clarke, M. Fenton, Carole Forbes, Julie Glanville, N. Hicks, Janet Moody, S. Twaddle, H. Timimi, Pamela Young (2006)
How to formulate research recommendationsBMJ : British Medical Journal, 333
Lance Myers, Z. Erim, Madeleine Lowery, Email Lance, J. Myers, Madeleine Lowery-M (2004)
Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation Open Access Time and Frequency Domain Methods for Quantifying Common Modulation of Motor Unit Firing Patterns
Were intervention conditions operationally defined to allow replication?
R. Kizony, N. Katz, P. Weiss (2003)
Adapting an immersive virtual reality system for rehabilitationComput. Animat. Virtual Worlds, 14
D. Cunningham, M. Krishack (1999)
Virtual reality: a wholistic approach to rehabilitation.Studies in health technology and informatics, 62
Giuseppe Riva (1998)
Virtual reality in neuroscience: a survey.Studies in health technology and informatics, 58
Moderate ¼ 7-10 Yes responses
Appendix A. MEDLINE® Search Strategy
M. Lotan, S. Yalon-Chamovitz, P. Weiss (2011)
Training Caregivers to Provide Virtual Reality Intervention for Adults With Severe Intellectual and Developmental DisabilityJournal of Physical Therapy Education, 25
Were dropout/loss to follow-up reported and less than 20%? For 2-group designs, was dropout balanced?
Feasibility and safety of a virtual reality (VR) exercise program for use with inpatient and outpatient stroke survivors (unpublished data)
S. Jang, S. You, M. Hallett, Y. Cho, Chong-Mi Park, Sang-hyun Cho, Hyun-Young Lee, Tae-Hoon Kim (2005)
Cortical reorganization and associated functional motor recovery after virtual reality in patients with chronic stroke: an experimenter-blind preliminary study.Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 86 11
O. Bart, T. Agam, P. Weiss, R. Kizony (2011)
Using video-capture virtual reality for children with acquired brain injuryDisability and Rehabilitation, 33
S. Kirshner, S. Blum, T. Weiss, Emanual Tirosh (2009)
The meal-maker: A functional virtual environment for children with cerebral palsy2009 Virtual Rehabilitation International Conference
H. Arksey, L. O’Malley (2005)
Scoping studies: towards a methodological frameworkInternational Journal of Social Research Methodology, 8
P. Weiss, Pnina Bialik, R. Kizony (2003)
Virtual Reality Provides Leisure Time Opportunities for Young Adults with Physical and Intellectual DisabilitiesCyberpsychology & behavior : the impact of the Internet, multimedia and virtual reality on behavior and society, 6 3
R. Guberek, S. Schneiberg, P. Mckinley, F. Cosentino, M. Levin, H. Sveistrup (2009)
Virtual reality as adjunctive therapy for upper limb rehabilitation in cerebral palsy2009 Virtual Rehabilitation International Conference
Jane Galvin, D. Levac (2011)
Facilitating clinical decision-making about the use of virtual reality within paediatric motor rehabilitation: Describing and classifying virtual reality systemsDevelopmental Neurorehabilitation, 14
S. Kirshner, P. Weiss, E. Tirosh (2011)
A Virtual Meal-Making Environment as a Platform to Measure the Effect of Affective Stimuli on Emotional Response and Task Performance in Children with and without Cerebral Palsy, 1
A. Liberati, D. Altman, J. Tetzlaff, C. Mulrow, P. Gøtzsche, J. Ioannidis, M. Clarke, P. Devereaux, J. Kleijnen, D. Moher (2009)
The PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies that evaluate healthcare interventions: explanation and elaborationThe BMJ, 339
Omar Merhi, E. Faugloire, Moira Flanagan, T. Stoffregen (2007)
Motion Sickness, Console Video Games, and Head-Mounted DisplaysHuman Factors: The Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomic Society, 49
D. Reid, K. Campbell (2006)
The Use of Virtual Reality with Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Pilot Randomized TrialTherapeutic recreation journal, 40
Michel Jacoby, S. Averbuch, Yaron Sachar, P. Weiss, N. Katz, R. Kizony (2011)
Effectiveness of executive functions training within a virtual supermarket for adults with Traumatic Brain Injury2011 International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation
H. Sveistrup, J. McComas, M. Thornton, S. Marshall, H. Finestone, A. McCormick, Kevin Babulic, A. Mayhew (2003)
Experimental Studies of Virtual Reality-Delivered Compared to Conventional Exercise Programs for RehabilitationCyberpsychology & behavior : the impact of the Internet, multimedia and virtual reality on behavior and society, 6 3
SSRD Quality Ratings: Weak ¼ 1-6 Yes responses
S. You, S. Jang, Y. Kim, M. Hallett, S. Ahn, Y. Kwon, Joong-Hwi Kim, Mi Lee (2005)
Virtual Reality–Induced Cortical Reorganization and Associated Locomotor Recovery in Chronic Stroke: An Experimenter-Blind Randomized StudyStroke, 36
S. Finger, T. Levere, C. Almli, Donald Stein (1988)
Recovery of Function
D. Rand, R. Kizony, U. Feintuch, N. Katz, N. Josman, A. Rizzo, P. Weiss (2005)
Comparison of Two VR Platforms for Virtual Reality Rehabilitation: Video Capture versus HMD.Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 14
Patrice Weiss, Debbie Rand, N. Katz, R. Kizony (2004)
Video capture virtual reality as a flexible and effective rehabilitation toolJournal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 1
D. Levac, L. Rivard, C. Missiuna (2012)
Defining the active ingredients of interactive computer play interventions for children with neuromotor impairments: a scoping review.Research in developmental disabilities, 33 1
N. Carney, R. Chesnut, H. Maynard, N. Mann, P. Patterson, M. Helfand (1999)
Effect of cognitive rehabilitation on outcomes for persons with traumatic brain injury: A systematic review.The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, 14 3
S. You, S. Jang, Y. Kim, Y. Kwon, Irene Barrow, M. Hallett (2005)
Cortical reorganization induced by virtual reality therapy in a child with hemiparetic cerebral palsyDevelopmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 47
D. Rand, R. Kizony, P. Weiss (2008)
The Sony PlayStation II EyeToy: Low-Cost Virtual Reality for Use in RehabilitationJournal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 32
M. Slater (2003)
A note on presence terminology
D. Villanueva, J. Pérez-Moreno, V. Maldonado, C. Gómez (2009)
Technology Applied to Pediatric Rehabilitation2009 Pan American Health Care Exchanges
A. Cieza, S. Geyh, S. Chatterji, N. Kostanjsek, B. Ustün, G. Stucki (2005)
ICF linking rules: an update based on lessons learned.Journal of rehabilitation medicine, 37 4
H. Sveistrup, M. Thornton, C. Bryanton, J. McComas, S. Marshall, H. Finestone, A. McCormick, J. McLean, M. Brien, Y. Lajoie, E. Bisson (2004)
Outcomes of intervention programs using flatscreen virtual realityThe 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2
Were the measures used clearly described, valid and reliable for measuring the outcomes of interest?
Michelle Wang, D. Reid (2010)
Virtual Reality in Pediatric Neurorehabilitation: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism and Cerebral PalsyNeuroepidemiology, 36
Joong-Hwi Kim, S. Jang, Chung-Sun Kim, J. Jung, J. You (2009)
Use of Virtual Reality to Enhance Balance and Ambulation in Chronic Stroke: A Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled StudyAmerican Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 88
M. McColl, S. Shortt, M. Godwin, Karen Smith, K. Rowe, Patti O'Brien, C. Donnelly (2009)
Models for integrating rehabilitation and primary care: a scoping study.Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 90 9
E. Tacconelli (2010)
Systematic reviews: CRD's guidance for undertaking reviews in health careLancet Infectious Diseases, 10
AACPDM methodology to develop systematic reviews of treatment interventions . [ Internet ] . Revision 1 . 2 . 2008
J. Popay, H. Roberts, A. Sowden, M. Petticrew, L. Arai, M. Rodgers, N. Britten (2006)
Guidance on the conduct of narrative synthesis in sytematic reviews
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright
R. Kizony, N. Katz, P. Weiss (2004)
Virtual reality based intervention in rehabilitation: relationship between motor and cognitive abilities and performance within virtual environments for patients with stroke
D. Rand, P. Weiss, N. Katz (2009)
Training multitasking in a virtual supermarket: a novel intervention after stroke.The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association, 63 5
Changes in seated postural control in children with cerebral palsy following a virtual play environment intervention: a pilot study
Kristanto Harris, D. Reid (2005)
The Influence of Virtual Reality Play on Children'S MotivationCanadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 72
D. Reid (2004)
The influence of virtual reality on playfulness in children with cerebral palsy: a pilot study.Occupational therapy international, 11 3
D. Reid (2002)
Benefits of a virtual play rehabilitation environment for children with cerebral palsy on perceptions of self-efficacy: a pilot studyPediatric Rehabilitation, 5
Were the dependent variables operationally defined as dependent measures? 5. Was inter-rater or intra-rater reliability of the dependent measures assessed before and during each phase of the study?
AbstractPurpose: To identify, to map out and to appraise research examining GestureTek virtual reality (VR) use for physical and cognitive rehabilitation and to highlight areas for future research. Method: Scoping review methodology was used to systematically and comprehensively search the academic and grey literature for GestureTek-specific research. Consensus was achieved following two reviewers’ independent inclusion screening, data extraction and appraisal. Results: Forty-four studies evaluated the utility and efficacy of the IREX, GX, VMall and Meal Maker software for rehabilitation across a range of populations, with few adverse events reported. Stroke and cerebral palsy research dominated, while geriatrics was largely overlooked. Efficacy research provided support for balance, mobility, upper extremity, cognitive, fitness and daily living skills outcomes for specific populations with effect sizes ranging from 0.19 to 3.34. Nevertheless, few strong quality or high-level studies are available, and no clear guidelines on optimal treatment characteristics exist. Outcomes of primary interest were at ICF body function and activity levels; evaluation of transfer of training across ICF levels is needed. Conclusions: This literature provides preliminary evidence for the technology’s efficacy for rehabilitation. Identified research gaps relate to study quality and design, treatment characteristics, populations and outcomes of interest, including transfer across ICF levels. Implications for RehabilitationThere is limited high-level evidence to support the use of the GestureTek virtual reality system for rehabilitation. Moderate to strong quality evidence exists primarily for the stroke and cerebral palsy populations, and primarily for balance, mobility and upper extremity outcomes.A lack of consistent outcome measures in this body of literature has created “silos” of research that cannot be quantitatively combined using a meta-analytic strategy.
Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology – Taylor & Francis
Published: Mar 1, 2014
Keywords: GestureTek; ICF; rehabilitation; scoping review; virtual reality
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