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Marketing Decisions and Performance in Economic Reform African Countries

Marketing Decisions and Performance in Economic Reform African Countries The study sought to determine current marketing decisions being implemented by managers in African countries undergoing significant economic reforms. In addition, the impact of their new decisions on performance was determined. Firms used in the study were major domestic and subsidary enterprises in Ghana, Nigeria, Zambia, Kenya, and Uganda. The research method involved mail and telephone interviews with managing directors of the enterprises. The findings suggest that a few marketing activities such as improved customer service and export oriented programs have enhanced performance. Journal Of Global Marketing Taylor & Francis

Marketing Decisions and Performance in Economic Reform African Countries

Journal Of Global Marketing , Volume 8 (3-4): 18 – Jul 26, 1995

Marketing Decisions and Performance in Economic Reform African Countries

Journal Of Global Marketing , Volume 8 (3-4): 18 – Jul 26, 1995


The study sought to determine current marketing decisions being implemented by managers in African countries undergoing significant economic reforms. In addition, the impact of their new decisions on performance was determined. Firms used in the study were major domestic and subsidary enterprises in Ghana, Nigeria, Zambia, Kenya, and Uganda. The research method involved mail and telephone interviews with managing directors of the enterprises. The findings suggest that a few marketing activities such as improved customer service and export oriented programs have enhanced performance.

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Taylor & Francis
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The study sought to determine current marketing decisions being implemented by managers in African countries undergoing significant economic reforms. In addition, the impact of their new decisions on performance was determined. Firms used in the study were major domestic and subsidary enterprises in Ghana, Nigeria, Zambia, Kenya, and Uganda. The research method involved mail and telephone interviews with managing directors of the enterprises. The findings suggest that a few marketing activities such as improved customer service and export oriented programs have enhanced performance.


Journal Of Global MarketingTaylor & Francis

Published: Jul 26, 1995

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