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Equity & Excellence in Education, 35(2):119–130, 2002 Copyright 2002 Taylor & Francis 1066-5684/02 $ 12.00+ .00 DOI: 10.1080/10665680290175149 Critical Race Theory and the Perspectives of Black Men Teachers in the Los Angeles Public Schools Marvin Lynn hen asked why he teaches in urban schools, the broader society at large. Acknowledging the gains a respondent softly uttered these words: “I made by Blacks and other groups during the Civil Rights Wteach ‘cause I keep seein’ me’’. This is an emo- era, he provides a cautionary word about the future: tional and revealing statement made by a 35-year-old Pervasive, deep racial inequalities still exist despite re- Black man who worked as a middle school teacher in cent advances. While some have argued that race has South Central Los Angeles. Having grown up in im- given way to class and other forms of disenfranchisement poverished conditions in South Central Los Angeles, his (Gamoran, 2001; Wilson, 1978), others remain cautious schooling experience was less than optimal. Here, he ex- about the future of what has been historically defined as presses in plain but powerful language his commitment “race relations’’ in the United States (Bell, 1993). Critical to teaching Black children, particularly males, who
Equity & Excellence in Education – Taylor & Francis
Published: May 1, 2002
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