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Cognitive and attitudinal effects of technical advertising copy: the roles of gender, self-assessed and objective consumer knowledge

Cognitive and attitudinal effects of technical advertising copy: the roles of gender,... The roles of two constructs of consumer knowledge — self-assessed product knowledge and objective product knowledge — are examined in an experiment in which consumers read ads for high-tech products containing high and low levels of technical language. Interactions between gender and the two consumer knowledge measures were also explored. Self-assessed knowledge was a better predictor of participants. Cognitive responses and general attitudinal evaluations. Objective knowledge, on the other hand, was a better predictor of ratings for specific product attributes. These differential results are considered with respect to the role of technical language in consumer information search strategies. International Journal of Advertising Taylor & Francis

Cognitive and attitudinal effects of technical advertising copy: the roles of gender, self-assessed and objective consumer knowledge

International Journal of Advertising , Volume 23 (3): 27 – Jan 1, 2004
27 pages

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Taylor & Francis
© 2004 Advertising Association
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The roles of two constructs of consumer knowledge — self-assessed product knowledge and objective product knowledge — are examined in an experiment in which consumers read ads for high-tech products containing high and low levels of technical language. Interactions between gender and the two consumer knowledge measures were also explored. Self-assessed knowledge was a better predictor of participants. Cognitive responses and general attitudinal evaluations. Objective knowledge, on the other hand, was a better predictor of ratings for specific product attributes. These differential results are considered with respect to the role of technical language in consumer information search strategies.


International Journal of AdvertisingTaylor & Francis

Published: Jan 1, 2004

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