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Survival impact of post-progression chemotherapy in advanced gastric cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis

Survival impact of post-progression chemotherapy in advanced gastric cancer: systematic review... Purpose We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis on survival impact of post-progression chemotherapy (post- Cx) after first-line chemotherapy (1st-Cx) and after second-line chemotherapy (2nd-Cx), and survival benefit of third-line chemotherapy (3rd-Cx) for advanced gastric cancer (AGC). Methods Phase III trials of systemic chemotherapy for AGC published in English between 2005 and 2015 or presented at annual meetings of ASCO or ESMO between 2013 and 2015 were searched. Numbers of patients, types of chemotherapy, patient baseline, proportion of patients receiving post-Cx (post-Cx%), median progression-free survival (mPFS), and median overall survival (mOS) of each treatment arm were surveyed; trials not reporting these parameters were excluded. Median post-progression survival (mPPS) was calculated as the difference between mOS and mPFS. Weighted Spearman’s cor - relation coefficients between post-Cx% and survival outcomes (mOS and mPPS) were calculated. The effect of post-Cx% on survival outcomes adjusted for the types of chemotherapy and patient characteristics was evaluated by meta-regression. Results Overall, 25 phase III trials of AGC were selected: 15 trials with 31 arms for 1st-Cx, and 10 trials with 16 arms for 2nd-Cx. Weighted Spearman’s correlation coefficients for post-Cx% and mOS/mPPS were 0.520/0.739 for 1st-Cx, and 0.767/0.823 for 2nd-Cx. Meta-regression analyses adjusting for types Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology Springer Journals

Survival impact of post-progression chemotherapy in advanced gastric cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis

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Springer Journals
Copyright © 2018 by Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature
Medicine & Public Health; Oncology; Pharmacology/Toxicology; Cancer Research
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See Article on Publisher Site


Purpose We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis on survival impact of post-progression chemotherapy (post- Cx) after first-line chemotherapy (1st-Cx) and after second-line chemotherapy (2nd-Cx), and survival benefit of third-line chemotherapy (3rd-Cx) for advanced gastric cancer (AGC). Methods Phase III trials of systemic chemotherapy for AGC published in English between 2005 and 2015 or presented at annual meetings of ASCO or ESMO between 2013 and 2015 were searched. Numbers of patients, types of chemotherapy, patient baseline, proportion of patients receiving post-Cx (post-Cx%), median progression-free survival (mPFS), and median overall survival (mOS) of each treatment arm were surveyed; trials not reporting these parameters were excluded. Median post-progression survival (mPPS) was calculated as the difference between mOS and mPFS. Weighted Spearman’s cor - relation coefficients between post-Cx% and survival outcomes (mOS and mPPS) were calculated. The effect of post-Cx% on survival outcomes adjusted for the types of chemotherapy and patient characteristics was evaluated by meta-regression. Results Overall, 25 phase III trials of AGC were selected: 15 trials with 31 arms for 1st-Cx, and 10 trials with 16 arms for 2nd-Cx. Weighted Spearman’s correlation coefficients for post-Cx% and mOS/mPPS were 0.520/0.739 for 1st-Cx, and 0.767/0.823 for 2nd-Cx. Meta-regression analyses adjusting for types


Cancer Chemotherapy and PharmacologySpringer Journals

Published: Mar 29, 2018

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