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Supersonic flow gradients at an overexpanded nozzle lip

Supersonic flow gradients at an overexpanded nozzle lip The flowfield of a planar, overexpanded jet flow and an axisymmetric one are analyzed theoretically for a wide range of governing flow parameters (such as the nozzle divergence angle, the initial flow Mach number, the jet expansion ratio, and the ratio of specific heats). Significant differences are discovered between these parameters of the incident shock and the downstream flow for a planar jet and for an axisymmetric overexpanded jet flow. Incident shock curvature, shock strength variation, the geometrical curvature of the jet boundary, gradients of total and static pressure and Mach number, and flow vorticity parameters in post-shock flow are studied theoretically for non-separated nozzle flows. Flow parameters indicating zero and extrema values of these gradients are reported. Some theoretical results (such as concavities of incident shock and jet boundary, local decreases in the incident shock strength, increases and decreases in the static pressure, and the Mach number downstream of the incident shock) seem rather specific and non-evident at first sight. The theoretical results, achieved while using an inviscid flow model, are compared and confirmed with experimental data obtained by other authors. Shock Waves Springer Journals

Supersonic flow gradients at an overexpanded nozzle lip

Shock Waves , Volume 28 (4) – Nov 13, 2017

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Springer Journals
Copyright © 2017 by Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany
Engineering; Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer; Fluid- and Aerodynamics; Engineering Fluid Dynamics; Thermodynamics; Acoustics; Condensed Matter Physics
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See Article on Publisher Site


The flowfield of a planar, overexpanded jet flow and an axisymmetric one are analyzed theoretically for a wide range of governing flow parameters (such as the nozzle divergence angle, the initial flow Mach number, the jet expansion ratio, and the ratio of specific heats). Significant differences are discovered between these parameters of the incident shock and the downstream flow for a planar jet and for an axisymmetric overexpanded jet flow. Incident shock curvature, shock strength variation, the geometrical curvature of the jet boundary, gradients of total and static pressure and Mach number, and flow vorticity parameters in post-shock flow are studied theoretically for non-separated nozzle flows. Flow parameters indicating zero and extrema values of these gradients are reported. Some theoretical results (such as concavities of incident shock and jet boundary, local decreases in the incident shock strength, increases and decreases in the static pressure, and the Mach number downstream of the incident shock) seem rather specific and non-evident at first sight. The theoretical results, achieved while using an inviscid flow model, are compared and confirmed with experimental data obtained by other authors.


Shock WavesSpringer Journals

Published: Nov 13, 2017

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