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Revisiting Correlation Between Pre Operative High Resolution Computed Tomography and Operative Findings in Attico Antral Disease

Revisiting Correlation Between Pre Operative High Resolution Computed Tomography and Operative... (1) To correlate the findings of high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scans with operative findings in chronic otitis media (attico antral disease). (2) To assess the role of HRCT in chronic otitis media (attico antral disease). This prospective observational study undertaken at a tertiary level teaching hospital included 50 patients of chronic otitis media (attico antral disease) who underwent pre-operative HRCT scanning and the findings were compared with the operative findings and correlation between the two was assessed with appropriate statistical methods. HRCT findings correlated well for the status of malleus and incus, facial nerve canal, lateral semicircular canal, and sinus plate but were less accurate for stapes and tegmen plate. As for disease extent and prediction of cholesteatoma the degree of correlation was site dependent being greater in mastoid air cell system and epitympanum and lesser in mesotympanum and hypotympanum. HRCT despite of its value in management of chronic otitis media has its drawbacks and limitations. CT’s accuracy of prediction in some aspects of the disease varies with the site of pathology and this point must always be kept in mind by the operating surgeon. We suggest that each health care centre should establish their own correlative indices for HRCT temporal bone imaging in COM. HRCT cannot be entirely relied upon in management of chronic otitis media patients. However against the backdrop of improved radiological skills in interpreting temporal bone ct images, improved CT machines and importantly the growing concern over medicolegal issues, the role of pre operative CT scan in COM is much more than what was thought previously. Undoubtedly, it is a very useful ‘aid’ to management BUT a well-trained, experienced and alert surgeon is the key for an accurate diagnosis and successful management of chronic otitis media (attico-antral disease). Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Springer Journals

Revisiting Correlation Between Pre Operative High Resolution Computed Tomography and Operative Findings in Attico Antral Disease

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Springer Journals
Copyright © 2018 by Association of Otolaryngologists of India
Medicine & Public Health; Otorhinolaryngology; Head and Neck Surgery
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See Article on Publisher Site


(1) To correlate the findings of high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scans with operative findings in chronic otitis media (attico antral disease). (2) To assess the role of HRCT in chronic otitis media (attico antral disease). This prospective observational study undertaken at a tertiary level teaching hospital included 50 patients of chronic otitis media (attico antral disease) who underwent pre-operative HRCT scanning and the findings were compared with the operative findings and correlation between the two was assessed with appropriate statistical methods. HRCT findings correlated well for the status of malleus and incus, facial nerve canal, lateral semicircular canal, and sinus plate but were less accurate for stapes and tegmen plate. As for disease extent and prediction of cholesteatoma the degree of correlation was site dependent being greater in mastoid air cell system and epitympanum and lesser in mesotympanum and hypotympanum. HRCT despite of its value in management of chronic otitis media has its drawbacks and limitations. CT’s accuracy of prediction in some aspects of the disease varies with the site of pathology and this point must always be kept in mind by the operating surgeon. We suggest that each health care centre should establish their own correlative indices for HRCT temporal bone imaging in COM. HRCT cannot be entirely relied upon in management of chronic otitis media patients. However against the backdrop of improved radiological skills in interpreting temporal bone ct images, improved CT machines and importantly the growing concern over medicolegal issues, the role of pre operative CT scan in COM is much more than what was thought previously. Undoubtedly, it is a very useful ‘aid’ to management BUT a well-trained, experienced and alert surgeon is the key for an accurate diagnosis and successful management of chronic otitis media (attico-antral disease).


Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck SurgerySpringer Journals

Published: May 31, 2018

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