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Resonator Stabilization Architecture to Suppress Switching Transient Crosstalk in I-CDM

Resonator Stabilization Architecture to Suppress Switching Transient Crosstalk in I-CDM The ever-increasing sizes of transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeter arrays motivates improved multiplexed readout with large multiplexing factors, low power dissipation, and low levels of crosstalk. Current-summed code division multiplexing (I-CDM) has been proposed as an alternative to flux-summed code division multiplexing (Φ-CDM) because of its lower power dissipation and greater robustness against the failure of individual readout elements. Simulating I-CDM arrays, we find that unswitched circuit components provide a mechanism for crosstalk, the magnitude of which is determined by their inductance. To mitigate this source of crosstalk, we propose a technique called resonator-stabilized I-CDM (RI-CDM), which the simulations predict will reduce crosstalk by an order of magnitude. RI-CDM reads out dc-biased TESs on an amplitude-modulated carrier wave. Journal of Low Temperature Physics Springer Journals

Resonator Stabilization Architecture to Suppress Switching Transient Crosstalk in I-CDM

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Springer Journals
Copyright © 2018 by This is a U.S. government work and its text is not subject to copyright protection in the United States; however, its text may be subject to foreign copyright protection
Physics; Condensed Matter Physics; Characterization and Evaluation of Materials; Magnetism, Magnetic Materials
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The ever-increasing sizes of transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeter arrays motivates improved multiplexed readout with large multiplexing factors, low power dissipation, and low levels of crosstalk. Current-summed code division multiplexing (I-CDM) has been proposed as an alternative to flux-summed code division multiplexing (Φ-CDM) because of its lower power dissipation and greater robustness against the failure of individual readout elements. Simulating I-CDM arrays, we find that unswitched circuit components provide a mechanism for crosstalk, the magnitude of which is determined by their inductance. To mitigate this source of crosstalk, we propose a technique called resonator-stabilized I-CDM (RI-CDM), which the simulations predict will reduce crosstalk by an order of magnitude. RI-CDM reads out dc-biased TESs on an amplitude-modulated carrier wave.


Journal of Low Temperature PhysicsSpringer Journals

Published: May 30, 2018

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