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To increase the performance of sport team, the tactical analysis of team from game video is essential. Trajectories of the players are the most useful cues in a sport video for tactical analysis. In this paper, we propose a technique to reconstruct the trajectories of players from broadcast basketball videos. We first propose a mosaic based approach to detect the boundary lines of court. Then, the locations of players are determined by the integration of shape and color visual information. A layered graph is constructed for the detected players, which includes all possible trajectories. A dynamic programming based algorithm is applied to find the trajectory of each player. Finally, the trajectories of players are displayed on a standard basketball court model by a homography transformation. In contrast to related works, our approach exploits more spatio-temporal information in video. Experimental results show that the proposed approach works well and outperforms some existing technique.
Multimedia Tools and Applications – Springer Journals
Published: May 28, 2018
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