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Severe drought events increasingly affect forests worldwide, but little is known about their long-term effects at the ecosystem level. Competition between trees and herbs (‘overstorey–understorey competition’) for soil water can reduce tree growth and regeneration success and may thereby alter forest structure and composition. However, these effects are typically ignored in modelling studies. To test the long-term impact of water competition by the herbaceous understorey on forest dynamics, we incorporated this process in the dynamic forest landscape model LandClim. Simulations were performed both with and without understorey under current and future climate scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) in a drought-prone inner-Alpine valley in Switzerland. Under current climate, herbaceous understorey reduced tree regeneration biomass by up to 51%, particularly in drought-prone landscape positions (i.e., south-facing, low-elevation slopes), where it also caused a shift in forest composition towards drought-tolerant tree species (for example, Quercus pubescens). For adult trees, the understorey had a minor effect on growth. Under future climate change scenarios, increasing drought frequency and intensity resulted in large-scale mortality of canopy trees, which intensified the competitive interaction between the understorey and tree regeneration. At the driest landscape positions, a complete exclusion of tree regeneration and a shift towards an open, savannah-like vegetation occurred. Overall, our results demonstrate that water competition by the herbaceous understorey can cause long-lasting legacy effects on forest structure and composition across drought-prone landscapes, by affecting the vulnerable recruitment phase. Ignoring herbaceous vegetation may thus lead to a strong underestimation of future drought impacts on forests.
Ecosystems – Springer Journals
Published: Sep 7, 2017
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