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New Trials in Lupus and where Are we Going

New Trials in Lupus and where Are we Going Purpose of Review To review progress in the field of clinical trials for SLE. Recent Findings Treatment development for SLE has been marked by failures of many later phase studies, representing billions of dollars of lost research and development funding. Recently, more successful Phase II trials have tested reductions in back- ground medications, novel stringent endpoints, and identification of informative immunologic subsets to achieve greater treat- ment effects. A large number of agents with promising novel biologic mechanisms have continued to enter clinical development, and momentum is building to capitalize on newer strategies for trial designs. Summary Widespread SLE drug development is proceeding despite setbacks and controversies. Approaches focusing on pa- tients with high disease activity, reduction of background polypharmacy, or increased endpoint stringency provide strategies that might improve interpretation of trial results. Pharmacodynamics of immune-modulation is a field in its infancy, but ripe for development. . . . . Keywords Systemic lupus erythematosus Clinical trials Personalized medicine Interferon alpha Small molecules Introduction Targeting B Cells Despite a pressing need to develop more effective and less Because of their ubiquitous role in SLE pathogenesis [3], B toxic immune modulating therapies for systemic lupus cells have been a prime target Current Rheumatology Reports Springer Journals

New Trials in Lupus and where Are we Going

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Springer Journals
Copyright © 2018 by Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature
Medicine & Public Health; Rheumatology
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Purpose of Review To review progress in the field of clinical trials for SLE. Recent Findings Treatment development for SLE has been marked by failures of many later phase studies, representing billions of dollars of lost research and development funding. Recently, more successful Phase II trials have tested reductions in back- ground medications, novel stringent endpoints, and identification of informative immunologic subsets to achieve greater treat- ment effects. A large number of agents with promising novel biologic mechanisms have continued to enter clinical development, and momentum is building to capitalize on newer strategies for trial designs. Summary Widespread SLE drug development is proceeding despite setbacks and controversies. Approaches focusing on pa- tients with high disease activity, reduction of background polypharmacy, or increased endpoint stringency provide strategies that might improve interpretation of trial results. Pharmacodynamics of immune-modulation is a field in its infancy, but ripe for development. . . . . Keywords Systemic lupus erythematosus Clinical trials Personalized medicine Interferon alpha Small molecules Introduction Targeting B Cells Despite a pressing need to develop more effective and less Because of their ubiquitous role in SLE pathogenesis [3], B toxic immune modulating therapies for systemic lupus cells have been a prime target


Current Rheumatology ReportsSpringer Journals

Published: May 3, 2018

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