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Saurabh Kumar Garg, Srinivasa K. Gopalaiyengar, Rajkumar Buyya (2011)
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Cloud computing can leverage over-provisioned resources that are wasted in traditional data centers hosting production applications by consolidating tasks with lower QoS and SLA requirements. However, the dramatic fluctuation of workloads with lower QoS and SLA requirements may impact the performance of production applications. Frequent task eviction, killing and rescheduling operations also waste CPU cycles and create overhead. This paper aims to schedule hybrid workloads in the cloud data center to reduce task failures and increase resource utilization. The multi-prediction model, including the ARMA model and the feedback based online AR model, is used to predict the current and the future resource availability. Decision to accept or reject a new task is based on the available resources and task properties. Evaluations show that the scheduler can reduce the host overload and failed tasks by nearly 70%, and increase effective resource utilization by more than 65%. The task delay performance degradation is also acceptable.
Cluster Computing – Springer Journals
Published: Jun 4, 2018
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